PV Aka Parent Volunteer…. My main purpose in volunteering my service to this school is to able to better understand the environment and the teachers and also the students in this school. I can also talk to other mummy whose kids are already studying in this school. All this would be impossible if I have not do my PV there. Of course, another reason is that for Jayden P1 registration for next year, I would be eligible to register Jayden in Phase 2B, instead of vying for vacancy in Phase 2C and worst still if the need to ballot happens!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Walnut Butter Cake
After a failed attempt to bake a walnut cake, I was searching high and low for another workable recipe for a nice yummy walnut cake. And my friend send me a link for this yummy Walnut Butter Cake…. looking through the recipe, I can’t wait to try
my hand on it out!!!!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
WaterPlay.... SandTime....
Actually bringing the boys to Sentosa was our plan for last week. However it was cancelled due to the rain. Since today we wake up to a bright sunny day, we decided to bring the boys there today. I woke up bright and early to prepare some food for our mini-picnic with the help from my mummy. :) Beside the finger food that I prepared, I also tabao some meehoon to bring along.
Just a trip to Waterfront Park...
Normally I don’t cook on weekend…. so tonight after we have a simple dinner at a coffee shop in Marsiling, we headed to the Woodlands Waterfront Park for a short play. (Btw it is getting quite late at 8.30pm when we left the coffee shop).
Saturday, July 24, 2010
IKEA again!!!!!
What!!!! IKEA again?????? haha.. seems like we really love going to IKEA. Reason being that the food is nice, and there is toys and a mini playground for the boys to play and not too far from our place (20mins drive from our place). So normally when we do not have any plan to go any place, we like to pop by at IKEA to Jalan Jalan.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Homecooked Dinner 21.07.10
I cooked a simple dinner but rather time consuming as deep frying takes alot of time. Frankly speaking, I don’t like to cook deep fried food too often. Beside unhealthy, it is really very dirty and oily, cos oil would be splashing here and there. But since we really loves the fried chicken, I would still cook this dish once in a while when I don’t mind the mess… :)
My PC is sick….
Hiaz… recently my pc is giving me alot of problems. Today the technical personnel came down to our place to check out the problem and the diagnose result is …..faulty motherboard and thus is send back to HP factory for repair. It is really inconvenient for me to use my hubby laptop to do my stuff. All my links and saved file is inside my PC. For now, I can only write up short post.. so I won’t be updating my blog as frequent now until my pc is back from the doctor.. :( which is 1 week later.)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Singapore Garden Festival 2010
Today is really a wet wet day!!! It was raining from morning till …. (don’t know when will it stop.. there is still small drizzle now) All our plan to head for outdoor activities was held back because of this rain.
Our initial plan for today is first to Sentosa for water and sand playing follow by a short trip to the zoo. (both of this places are requested by the boys). But since it rain, we got to change our plan… so either to Science Centre or the Singapore Garden show at Suntec Convention Hall…. Actually Jayden favor over Science centre, but I was thinking that the Garden show would end next Thursday, so if we did not go today, we would missed it!!!! So finally we decided to head to Suntec for the Garden show and if the weather permit, we might drop by at Sentosa for some playtime too.
Wedding Buffet @ OCC
We are invited to a Wedding Lunch Buffet by our neighbor for her elder daughter’s wedding. I was really looking forward to today wedding held at Orchid Country Club... This place held a special memory for me, as I held my wedding banquet there 6 years ago.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Itchy Itchy!!!!
Rainy Day….
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Chocolate Cheese Cake
The only not so perfect part is the top part of the cake. I baked for too long resulting in the top part of the cake being over –baked and thus it becomes too hard.
Pumpkin Rice
I cooked this pumpkin rice for my boys lunch today. This is my first attempt in cooking pumpkin rice for my boys. I got the recipe from here. Personally I am not a great fan of pumpkin, so this meal is purely for my boys. After my 1st try to cook pumpkin rice, I believe I can do a better job next time. For the meal today, too much water was added, thus the rice was too lumpy and soft and the pumpkin was too soft . Jayden even commented that the one cooked by my mil taste better… :( But never mind, we all learn from mistake!! :)
Berries Chinese Class
For the learning materials, instead of giving out worksheet to the students every week. The school have a textbook and the workbook for them. I flipped through the textbook, and I like the content inside the book. For this lesson, the theme is Road Safety.. and the teacher will discuss about the many scenarios related to it. I was really surprise that that Jayden is able to read the short story about the Road Safety after the lesson and he loves reading it. Maybe at this stage, he memories the story instead of really recognising all the chinese characters. But as what the teacher mentions, as he practices often, soon he will be able to recognise the characters through his daily reading.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
An Evening Stroll at Admiralty Park
We have promise the boys to bring them to the park yesterday and since the weather is cooling and it is still early after the dinner and washing up, we decided to pop by at the park opposite our place.
Homecooked Dinner 13.07.10
Feeling lazy to whip up some dishes, so I decided to cook a one dish meal with a soup for tonight dinner. Beside that I cooked a porridge for the boys… just in case they doesn’t like the claypot chicken rice.
Monday, July 12, 2010
TimeZone @ Causeway Point
Since we did not managed to go to the zoo. We went to CWP for our dinner and Javier was pestering me to bring him for kiddy rides. Throughout the dinner, Javier was not a bit keen to eat his rice. He keep saying “yao yao” meaning the kiddy rides, and once I release him from the stroller, he dashed towards Timezone.
Actually I was not really keen for my boys to become a frequent visitor of this place. I feel that a lot of youngster nowadays are spending too much time in these gaming centre which is a unhealthy sight. From what I observed in the Timezone, some parents would top up the game card as much as $50 for the kids (some of the kids are very young) to play as they like.
Say “NO” to High Rise Littering 2010
I got some free tickets to attend a ‘ Say “NO” to High Rise Littering 2010’ activity organized by GRC. So we got to wake up bright and early on Sunday morning to go there. But since my boys slept quite late yesterday at 12am. Thus getting them to wake up early was not a easy task. And when we were ready to leave the house, it was already 9am. Phew… but still we make it there despite we will very very late (the activity start at 7.30am)
Mad For Garlic
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Homeschooling – 20th & 21st Week (28 June -11 July 2010)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Crunchy Walnut Cake
A last minute plan to let Javier go over to my MIL place, thus giving me some time to do my own things. I decided to try out this Walnut cake recipe which I got it from here. But instead of the cashew nut, I replace it with Walnut.