Thursday, December 31, 2009
Mini Birthday Celebration for my dearest mummy
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
My Bubbly boy!!!!
The photo tells it all. He is playing with the girls and enjoying him so much.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Gladys 7th Birthday Party
Our Birthday Gal... Gladys!!!!
The castle cake make by my SIL
"Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to Gladys... Happy to you!!!!
The kids playing the stick the princess stickers on the window, whoever stick in the correct place would get a prize... but of course every kids get the prize lah... Sure win game.. hehe.
The Kids with the Santa Clause
My brother, Sis-In-Law and her 2 sweet gals.
Jayden with his christmas presents
Photo session with the santa clause
The boys are playing with the baby alive. This baby toy is really amazing, it really seems like a real baby. We can feed her water, milk, cereal. She can poo, so we gotta let her wear diapers. Even Javier like playing with it.
A heartwrenching day for me (23/12/2009)
While daddy called the ambulance, I just carry him and talk to him. Finally abt 5mins later, he started to have some response, I gave him his pacifier, and he took it. The ambulance arrive 10mins later and we rushed him to KK hospital. Throughout the journey to the hospital, he just sleep and remain weak.
After the doctor checked him, she suggest that we admit Javier for a observation, in case the fits occur again. The doctor mention that the fits is most probably due to his vomitting and diarohoe.
It really pains me when the doctor try to inject the tube into Javier tiny little hand. It was only successfully inserted on the third try (which means that Javier have to endure the pain for 3 times). He was crying and screaming so badly. He keep telling me 'pain pain'. I can only hug and console him while he is suffering in pain.
Javier appetite is not very good for these few days, He din eat most of the hospital food. But he like the coco krunch cornflakes.
Javier was discharged after a one day stay at the hospital. He is still not back to himself yet, feeling quite cranky and wanted Mummy to carry him all the time. But I am really glad my boy is well again.
This episode which I went thru make me treasure my boys more, and I reallise that One should not take things for granted. Treasure each day as you don't know what will happen the next day.
As I was writing this post, tears still come to my eyes whenever I recall the incident, It really leave a deep impression in me which I can never forget.
Hong Kong Trip Day 04
First we have dimsum breakfast at a old traditional teahouse. The food was not bad, but not quite many variety of food.