We have been patiently waiting for this day to come and the boys were super duper excited when we make our way to watch the Chinese Stage Show featuring their favourite characters. This hit Mandarin animated series, starring the super-smart Pleasant Goat who always saves himself and his fellow furry friends from carnivorous wolf couple Wolfie and Wolnie, comes to the Singapore stage for the first time.
The place was already crowded with many excited children waiting for their entrance into the Theatre and of course we were one of them too!!! ^^ Thus you can see the super reluctant smile that my boys gave me when I ask them to pose for me to snap.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Chinese Stage Show - -《喜羊羊与灰太狼之记忆大盗》
Malacca Road Trip 19 ~ 21 June 2013 --- Part III
We took a short stroll under the scorching sun, at least the shop houses look really unique and nice and I couldn’t stop myself from snapping pictures of it.
Malacca Road Trip 19 ~ 21 June 2013 --- Part II
The breakfast area is situated across the road. The place is very attractive with a cosy ambience.The breakfast, which included local and Western food was delicious. Though you couldn’t expect a wide selection of dish, but I personally think that it is good enough for me.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Night Scenery of Guangzhou
It was a beautiful night for us. We took the Pearl River Cruise after our dinner where Guangzhou's most scenic spots are located. Many famous sights are clustered along this river.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Greetings form Guangzhou!!! It’s a stress-cum kids free holiday for me. I am lucky to have my mom look after them while I go on this trip with D. I am trying to enjoy as much as I can though my little one certainly doesn’t allow me to do so!!!! I get tired so easily now, ended up I needed to rest very often. well… well… well… That’s not all, I puke after eating all the yummlicious food!!!!! It’s certainly not a very great start, so hoping that the next few days would be better for me. (^__-)
And this would be my “home” for these few days!!!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Malacca Road Trip 19 ~ 21 June 2013 --- Part I
It was an enjoyable short trip to Malacca for us. The boutique hotel that we spend our 2 night in and the yummy, mouth watering food add up and give us a really unforgettable memories. I would be definitely coming back to this hotel for my next visit to Malacca.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Bermes 2nd Birthday Celebration!!!!!
What a busy busy week!!!! Having just came back from our short road trip to Malacca, the boy started their Saturday ICL lesson today. After which we dashed over to my nephew Bermes 2 Years Old Birthday Celebration. I would be having a busy week next week too. So I tried to write up this post before I fly off to Guangzhou with hubby next Monday and of course while my memories of today events is still fresh in my mind.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Pregnancy - My 20th week checkup
Every time when I go for my monthly checkup, my heart would be thumping with worry and uncertainty as the doctor check. Dozen of thoughts would be buzzing through my mind, worrying whether my baby is growly healthily or not, especially today, when I would be doing my detailed scan. I’m glad that everything is well and little one’s detailed scan result is great! I brought my boys with me today as promised. They were really thrilled when the saw the little one moving actively while the doctor do the scan.
This is a scan of my little one!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Lapbook on Angry Bird
It’s been a long long time since I last do lapbook with Javier, mainly he do assessment books which he usually can complete by himself. Thus while he do his work, I can do something else. But sometimes I do feel that doing assessment book is a bit too dry and he doesn’t enjoy it much. I would think that Lapbook is much more interesting for him. He was so excited when he saw this materials on the table yesterday and couldn’t wait to do it.
Well, I choose a fairly simple one for him today as our holiday activities. Such that he finished it so fast, but I am glad to see that he enjoyed the process of doing this lapbook. (at least not much complain coming from him as compared to doing assessment book)
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Papa’s Day!!!!!!
Papa’s day is here again, though we never really celebrate this Day with D. But deep in our heart, I am really thankful for the things that D have done for us. He is a very hands-on Dad, he love playing with the boys, doing silly things with them (which I failed badly) playing Wii with them until the 3 really go crazy while playing, teaching the boys to cycle and the list could go on and on…
He wouldn’t complain when we requested him to drive us to any places. When JJ was still a baby, he hesitate no moment in helping me take care of them, be it change diapers, feed them milk or shower them.
Though I know that he is dead tired when he comes back from work everyday, but he would still help me with some of the house-chores or spending time with the boys. There is nothing more to ask for. For the love that he has shower us, it really make us feel really blessed. Here, I would like to say a “Happy Papa’s Day” to D and not forgetting to all the other Daddies too!!!
Homecooked Dinner – 16 June 2013
Our plan for today was shelved due to D not feeling well. So I just cooked a simple dinner for us.
Our meal consists of Steamed Promet, boiled broccoli, Scramble eggs, boiled cheese hotdogs, Air-Fried hotdog and popcorn chicken.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Father’s day dinner at Asian Market Café @ Fairmont Hotel
We had our buffet dinner at Asian Market Cafe @ Fairmont Hotel with my in-laws family as a Father’s Day get togather meal.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Playful Elves @ West Coast Plaza
Playful Elves is a fun indoor playground for children which is located at West Coast Plaza. Actually we have passed by here countless of time when we send my boys for enrichment class, but have never step into it.
With the intention of finding a suitable playground for kids between the age of 2 to 8, I goggled and chance upon a couple of blogs mentioning Playful Elves, and I do think this is a fairly nice place which is suitable for a 2 years old and not too bored for a 8 years old after seeing the pictures that are posted.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Gathering with khakis @ CWP
It’s a long time since I last meet up with my friends, all of us have been busy with our kids during normal days. Its only during school holiday that we would have more free time as our kids do not need to go to school or minimal enrichment. My kids were super-ly excited when they know that we would be going out with Lucas and Bing Heng.
We decided to meet at Causeway point since it is a convenient place for all of us. Our initial plan was to go to the new water playground on Level 6 at CWP, but sadly it is still not open to the public yet. But our kids were equally happy when they have only this small playground to play in. I guess any place is ok with them, as long as their friends are there to enjoy with them.
This little boy was excited and wanted to join in the fun with the big gorgor and Jie Jie, but since he was abit to young, he got to make do with sitting with us - aunties and listen to us gossiping.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Fitness & Science Trail at Greenwood Sanctuary Park
Little boy has been bugging us to bring him for running since he got his new running shoes. He simply cannot wait to try out his running shoe, claiming that when wearing this shoe to run, it will guarantee super fast speed.
Since my niece is here today, she is one good person to accompany him for the “super fast” run, since my niece can run very well! ^^
Monday, June 10, 2013
Our homecooked dinner–10 June 2013
3 菜 1 汤
It was simple to cook, just that the sesame chicken dish took a bit longer to cook.
Our dinner consisting of Sesame chicken, Stir fried Spinach with Ikan Bilis, Fried Promet and Black bean & peanut with chicken feet soup.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Blk 928 Yishun Laksa
After our farm tour, the boys wanted to eat at MacDonald while we wanted Laksa! Thus we brought them to “M” to fill their tummy first before we set off for our yummy laksa.
You must be wondering why I wanted to write a post solely for this Laksa. This Laksa stall which I am going to mentioned is featured frequently on TV (food shows), magazines and websites. It is a a rather popular place to eat Laksa (at least it is consider one of the best Laksa in the North). This laksa stall is commonly known as the '928 Yishun Laksa', because the stall is situated at a little corner of Blk 928.
Disappointed visit to Crab Farm!
Actually this was our last destination after the Frog Farm, we though we could let the boys see some crab but there was really nothing to see here. (actually it all boil down to the fact that I did not do my planning properly, it was an ad-hoc decision to pop by there which I never put in my itinerary) It is not exactly a crab farm, but it do sell fresh crab for consuming if you are keen to get any.
But my boys sure knows how to keep themselves occupied! Big boy spotted these lalang and was pretty excited.
Our Farm Trail (Part II - Jurong Frog Farm)
Our trial continue, btw, Jurong Frog Farm is just a short distance away from Hay Dairies, probably took us less than 5 minutes by driving.
Our Farm Trail (Part I–Hay Dairies Farm)
Since it was school holidays, it was time for the kids to enjoy and roam, actually there are a lot of places which I wanted to bring them to, but sometime we were just too busy ….. since its so rare that we have the weekend free of any classes, of course I got to make full use of it!!!! Today we will be going for farm tours.
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf “Memory Thief” - Chinese Stage Show
I just want to share this with all of you!!!!!
In case your kids is a big fan of Pleasant Goat or the Big Big Wolf, don’t miss this chance!!! ^^ They will be Here in Singapore for the FIRST time!
The story is about the big bad wolf couple Wolffy and Wolnie are obsessed with capturing the Goats. However their best laid plans are always thwarted by the smart, young goat 喜羊羊Weslie. This time around, Wolffy invites their new friend the ‘Memory Thief’ to cause Weslie to lose his memory momentarily and Weslie ends up helping the evil wolf couple catch his goat friends instead! Goat Village is at stake. Find out at this hilarious live stage show, perfect for introducing kids to Chinese in a fun way!
Ticket booked, we are eagerly waiting for the show on 30 June 2013. My boys love them so much, ever since they watch their TV show, and that’s not all, Jayden love to read the Pleasant Goat story book too!!!!!
In case you wanna catch this show, do act quickly as the tickets are selling fast!!!
For more information and purchase of ticket, click here.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
PLAYful moments with Playmobil @ Sentosa
Sentosa is always a great place for family to hang out, there are so many activities to do there which I can easily name a few. My boys love the beach (digging sand or a cool dip in the water is fun enough to them) and the Port of Lost Wonder water park most whenever we bring them there. Of course, the main reason why we are here in Sentosa today is for another reason----- Playmobil!!!!!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Our Home cooked dinner–07 June 2013
Our homecooked dinner consists of Pan fried salmon, Carrot & Corn Soup, Stir Fried Chye Sim with fishball and Fried egg.
A simple lunch on a lazy afternoon
I always get specially tired during school holiday, especially NOW…. I do get double-ly tired very easily. Since we normally have something simple in the afternoon, I decided to cook for us Pasta since the 3 of us love it very much.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
永和- 豆浆油条大王 Yong He Eating House (24Hrs)
It was already 9.30pm when the taekwondo certification ends. We (D and myself) were really famished (luckily the boys have had already taken their early dinner). Since we were nearby Geylang, we decided to have our late dinner at 永和- 豆浆油条大王. For the longest time, I thought that they have ended their business, but did not know that they have actually shifted to another location instead. It has been years since I last dine here, I really miss the food.
Taekwondo Certificate Presentation
Its been almost 3 years ago since he started his Taekwondo lesson. It has not been a very easy one for him initially as he keep forgetting his stunts and he got to put in a lot of effort and practices before his grading test. But as he progresses, he improves a lot and I no longer go to the lesson with him, normally D would send him there. And I would be at home shaking leg (how I wish so,but Nah…. I am busy with housework chores while D brought the boys out) From then on, he learnt his stunts well, and I don’t even bother to ask him to show me the stunts before the grading test like what I used to do with him in the beginning.
Few months ago, he took his Black belt grading test and I am happy to say, he Pass!!!!! Thus today he would be receiving his certificate for attaining the black belt first degree (Dan) . Of course it doesn’t end here, black belt can be advance to as high as 8 degree (Dan).This is his belt with his name and the stripe(one stripe indicating first degree) engraved on it.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Our Home cooked dinner – 03rd June 2013
Since I did not do marketing yesterday, I will just have to make-do with the ingredients in the fridge. So these are the 2 dishes that I managed to whip up using the limited ingredients.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
乐天皇朝 - Paradise Dynasty
We were really famished after our Botanic Garden Trip, especially the kids who had very light lunch. We drove over to Lot 1 mall to meet up with my mil for our dinner. We decided to have our dinner at 乐天皇朝 - Paradise Dynasty.
At the Botanic Garden
This is just a simple post where I captured the fun moments of the boys playing with my nephew Bermes. He is coming to 3 years old in just a few weeks time. It seems just not long ago that he was just a small baby, and in a flash he is becoming a big boy and now can play so well with the 2 gorgor already! ^^
Nook – House of Pancakes
So maybe some of you can guess where we are going today!!! YES!!! We are going to Singapore’s first DIY pancake restaurant – NOOK House of Pancakes. I guess many would have heard of this place, I first heard of it when my niece told me she is going to “make pancake”, but at that time I have no idea about this place yet. When I recently stumble upon other blogs mentioning about this place, I am very keen to bring mymonkeysboys to visit this place because it looks so fun where we can design and make our own pancakes into any designs or shapes which we want. When I told the boys we would be bringing them to make their own pancakes, I guess the more excited one is non other than Javier. He was practically jumping for joy, thinking of perhaps something creative which he can design later.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Dessert in JB City Square
Really miss the food in Teck Seng Restaurant in JB, thus the traffic Jam at Woodlands checkpoint wasn’t so bad, we made a trip in the afternoon for a satisfying meal at Teck Seng restaurant. After which, we made our way to City Square mall for some shopping, and so the boys got themselves books from Popular (just Fyi, books in JB popular is way cheaper as compared to Singapore popular, thus me and the boys would always pop by at popular when we are at JB), whereas I got myself 2 maternity shorts as my normal shorts are getting very tight and uncomfortable.
I happened to see 许留山 (the very popular dessert house in Hong Kong) Hui Lau Shan, known as famous Fresh Fruit Dessert. I first tried their dessert when I went on a holiday to Hong Kong a few years back and had wanted to try it again. So I was glad when I saw this shop today. Business was good with a short queue outside the shop, thus we brought the boys for some ice cream first, so that they would let us have some quiet moment later while we enjoyed our dessert.
Jayden’s Bronze Level Swimming Test
Sometime back in April, Jayden took his Bronze level swimming test. The test include life saving – throwing rope, breaststroke, backstroke, survival backstroke, freestyle and front & back flip. I am glad to see that he had done well in this test and he passed!!!!!!
In case you can’t spot Jayden, he is the one wearing blue shorts. (For bronze level test, the kid is required to put on a short sleeve tee and shorts)