It’s been some time since we last play Snake and Ladder game, Javier was bugging us to play it with him, so here we are enjoying the game. Once started, my boys were hooked, playing it day and night~~
Saturday, December 31, 2011
A game of Snake and Ladder
Aussie Trip–Day 06
Oh my…. this post is so backdated that I can remember clearly most of the details. Nevertheless, I would just let the pictures do the talking. .^^
Today we would be going to some place special…. And we are hopping down to Lilydale for a farm stay. I am so excited with my first ever farmstay.
Aussie Trip–Day 05
(Mummy recalling 28 November 2011)
After venturing to the beach and admiring the spectacular view of Gold Coast at the SkyPoint Observatory, we decided to head to the SeaWorld today. But miraculously, we are ready real fast today, and since we are a tad too early for SeaWorld, we decided to bring the boys to the nearby playground for some fun first.
Looking at the grouchy expression, you can guess it was a super hot day today again!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
After the Surgery….
A week have passed since his Released Tongue Tied Surgery. He is coping and recovering well from it, beside telling me that he feels painful on the first 2 days of the surgery, he hasn’t feel any discomfort from then on.
Some noticeable differences which we have observed recently are, he talk much more than before, basically he is yakking non-stop every day.
Secondly, he can chew food faster which means that he can finish his meal quicker. And he seems to be much more mischievous than before….
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Fried Noodles
It’s been some time since I post on our home cooked meal. So to start my rusty engine running again, this is the fried noodles that I cooked for my boys today. Well, my effort were deeply appreciated by them, at least they commented that it tasted good! Woo hoo…
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Happy New Year 2012!!!!!
Wow.. a year have already zoomed by! In a few days, we would be welcoming 2012! I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for the comments you have left here and taking time to pop by my humble blog, it really means a lot to me!
Happy 2012 from my family to yours!!!!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Recently, he has develop a liking to scribble his name on the white board. Whenever he is free he likes to scribble his name or just some numbers to show it to me.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sembawang Park
We did not have any special plan during the holiday. Since the boys is keen to head to the beach, we brought them to the nearby beach for some sand-playing.
Beside the sand playing, we spotted so many pigeons!!!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Aussie Trip–Day 4 (Part II)
It was just a 5 minute drive from Skypoint Observation Deck to Surfer Paradise Beach, the boys were practically jumping for joy when we reached there and couldn’t wait to change into their swimsuit. Despite the hot weather, it doesn’t stop the beach-goer from coming here and we could see many sun-tanning, swimming…
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Release Tongue Tied Surgery
Javier operation was schedule on today morning, thus we will suppose to reach the Day surgery at 8am to register him. Luckily, my boy was such a sweetie this morning and did not fuss or throw temper when Jayden woke him up at 6.45am. He got up, change his clothes and we were ready to leave.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Big day
Tomorrow Javier would be going for his tongue tied operation (he wasn’t feeling well during the last schedule date, thus the surgery was postpone to 20 Dec 2011). After talking to him for these past few days, he seems to understand and told me he is ok and would go for the op tomorrow…. though he would sometimes give me a rather sad face when he think of it. He would talk to me and ask me from time to time how is the operation would be like, ‘which part of the tongue that the doctor would ‘cut’.. (that’s the word he used. )
Although its only a very minor operation, I do feel anxious and nervous as the clock tick by. Hope that all would go well for tomorrow operation. Praying hard for my boy.
Learning Maths
Sometimes back, I have introduce Addition to Javier. However at that time, I am not too sure if he really understand the concept which I am explaining to. Few days back, I got back on this topic with him again, and this time I am quite sure he knew it and I have been doing simple addition with him as and when we are free and he managed to get it correct.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I love Chicken!
Yes! One of my favourite food is fried chicken and there is a newly opened fried chicken joint that sells pretty good fried chicken (hmmm, I know it open its first shop quite a few months back in Singapore). Well, at least, it was a newly opened one in Causeway point.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
P1 Chinese Preparatory Graduation
A year has gone by and Jayden is graduating from Berries P1 Chinese Preparatory Class today. He has learn well in Berries and I can see that his Chinese improved a lot after attending this class. I have decided to let him continue the Berries class next year although the timing is quite rush, but since it is only once a week, I think that is still not too bad.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Aussie Trip–Day 4 Part I
(Mummy recalling 27 November 2011)
We decided to take things easy today after the teeny bit hectic schedule for the past few days. Since today is is Saturday, we decided to make Carrara Market as our first destination. (just for your info, Carrara market is open only on Saturday and Sunday)
It was a scorching hot day and the boys were complaining of the heat, thus after walking a while, we decided to spilt up, and Jayden decided to tag along me. Though there weren’t a great many selection of goods sold here, but I pick quite some really good bargain here.
As the heat were really unbearable, we left this place for Australia Fair shopping mall for some shopping and air-con. And after our lunch, D was super nice to look after the boys and left me hopping off myself to do some shopping.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Swim lesson 18
Due to the rainy weather for the past one month and our Aussie Trip, Jayden has missed quite a number of lessons, thus he was very reluctant to come to his swim lesson today. He even whine and cry when we reached the swimming complex and took us a full 20 minutes to coax cum threaten him to go for his swim lesson. Hmmm…. real tiring!
Today besides practicing their backstroke and breaststroke, they learnt free style using the board after which the next 20 minutes was left for the deep pool.
Aussie Trip–Day 3 Part II
After our farmyard trip, we decided to hop over to the Movie World again to catch up on some rides and shows that we had missed out during our earlier trip.
When we arrived, we were just in time to catch the Hollywood Stunt drive show. And boy, it was a really entertaining show which got our (even the boys)100% attention!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Teck Seng Restaurant again!
We love the food at Teck Seng Restaurant in JB. Since we do have any activities in mind today, we decided to pop over to JB for some shopping and meal there. And of course the first place that comes to our mind is none than Teck Seng Restaurant.
Aussie Trip–Day 3 Part I
(Mummy recalling …. 26 November 2011)
Today we decided to take a break from theme park and visit a farmyard instead which is the Paradise Country farm which house the native animals like Koala, Kangaroo, camels, horse, sheep….
Well, I did mentioned that it was a super duper hot day yesterday, yeh… But today is extra super duper duper hot hot day!!!! {Sweat…..}
Since we are already ready to dash to our destination, while waiting for the rest to be ready, I snip snip snap snap with Javier. He is in a very good mood dressed in his favourite Thomas clothes which explains the beautiful smile he gave the camera.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Aussie Trip – Day 2 Part II
Continuing from earlier…. Jayden decided to go for a little bit more exciting ride with D which is none other than the Kite Flyer ride. Personally I don’t really like this ride as it really make me real giddy! :(
Aussie Trip – Day 2 Part I
(Mummy recalling ….. 25 November 2011)
We woke up bright and early today and of course well charged for our full day activities ahead.. well in fact the boys woke up earlier than me. :D
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Aussie Trip – Day 1
(Mummy recalling….. 24 November 2011)
This will be our home for the next 5 days. ^^ great place with nice scenery, just a 1 minute walk to the park and beach! What’s more, my boys have a super great time dashing up and down the stairs.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Happy Birthday to Daddy!!!
We had a simple cake caking celebration at my brother’s place today. I think with the kids around, it sure make it more fun and memorable for D on this special day. They were really such a bunch a cute kids…. hiding themselves to wait for D to arrive and sprinting out of their hiding places to shout a surprise “Happy Birthday to him”. I guess D must be feeling so happy with this surprise ~ :P
Sogurt so good!
I got to know of this yogurt parlor through my niece. My boys love it so much after trying it once!!!! I think kids got super good memory, we happen to pass by Sogurt on our way to taking a cab in Westmall, and they exclaimed that this yogurt is very nice and wanted to have some (they just came to this parlor once with my niece to buy yogurt 2 months back, they can still remember it so clearly till this day). Thus I guess it much be really superb! :D
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Aussie Trip – Here we Come!!!!!
Yeah ^^, we are back from our Brisbane and Sunshine Coast Trip!!! Happy and fun time seems to pass by ever so quickly, and we are back to our normal routine again.
(Before my short memory fails me again, I would like to recap our trip here. :D )
We have been looking forward to this trip and Javier has been bugging me for months since the day he knew of this trip… “are we going YET”????? So of course my boys were ecstatic and couldn’t wait to set off to the airport today.