Having the 庆中元 dinner at my PIL neighborhood seems to become a yearly affair for us. Actually our main purpose is just to eat there as we do are not keen to bid for any stuffs. Normally this type of dinner takes up a lot of time as it can easily start at 8pm and ends at 11plus. Luckily both my boys are very well behaved today, so we have a smooth dinner tonight. (Javier was still very cranky prior to the dinner…) I thought it would be nice to let them wear the same colour. :)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Playdate with Yvette
We arranged a playdate for the kids at my place today. It all started well with Javier and Yvette playing together with harmony. But along the way, I don’t know what got into Javier today, he kept taking things to throw at Yvette mummy until at one time the toys hit Yvette. I am so mad at Javier for his bad gesture. (I don’t know whether is it the sudden fever which cause this crankiness but no matter what… I feel so apologetic towards Yvette and Shirley … )
A Dinner at Sakae Sushi
We have a late dinner at Sakae Sushi at Sun Plaza today as I decided to feed my boys at home before we go out for our dinner. I just whipped up a simple Fried Mee for their dinner, which I know they like. At least I would enjoyed my dinner better knowing that they have already filled their tummy. (I am constantly worrying that they would be hungry if they missed any meal which ended up me nagging at them to eat whenever we dine out. Which cause unhappiness to us all.) I love this picture!
When Boredom Strikes
When boredom strikes, it can make people do a lot of funny things. Take my little Javier for example….
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Update of Reading Progress
It certainly takes us quite a long time to finish Peter and Jane book 10a and 10b. Mainly, I have not been so diligently pushing Jayden to read it daily. Normally he doesn’t have a habit to read this book himself, sometimes nagging is unavoidable to make him read it.
Although it is not easy in the beginning, but I still persist on since I started this reading program with him since last year July, and I am glad to say that this reading program have benefitted him greatly, even D commented so! We are finally coming to the end of this series whereby book 12b is the last book for the full series.
When a Bo Chap boy meets a Cheeky boy!!!!
When Jayden is watching show, nothing can grab his attention anymore! Even when you call him or scream at him, most probably you won’t be getting any response from him. So my little cheeky Javier likes to disturb him whenever he is watching his ‘show’, as you can see from the picture, Jayden seems unmoved to Javier sitting on his shoulder, even when D took pictures of them, Jayden doesn’t seem aware of it judging from the photo. :P
Eu Yan Sang Premium Raw Honey
Constipation is a problem that has been bugging Javier for a very long time. As he don’t like to eat fruits or doesn’t eat much vegetables and worst still doesn’t drink alot of water….getting constipated is so common for him. Every time when I sees him pass motion, I really feel like crying with him. Many a time I can only hug him while he sits on his potty to poo to give him some “support’ as what he calls it.
But I am glad to say that I have managed to find a remedy to relief Javier of this constipation problem.
Javier Riding Bicycle @ 31 Months
Finally I can see Javier that Javier is taking a interest to learn how to ride a bicycle. Previously, he doesn’t like to ride the bicycle by himself, he would want us to push him along rather than pedaling himself. Now he can ride the bicycle but he still has not master the turning around ‘part’. So we need to assist him to turn around.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Little monkey in Action
Since Javier did not go to the excursion today, I was thinking of bringing him to the library and follow by shopping at Northpoint or just spend some time in the playground. But the big down pour dashes our plan, so instead we just went to the minimart near our place to buy some vegetables and some snacks for Javier.
Once we reached home, my little monkey went into action~~~ Whether or not there is playground, my boy definitely can self entertain himself at home…. recently he takes a great interest in climbing. Once I turned my back on him, he would be busy climbing the door grille, my kitchen table top or chair to get the things he wants.
Mini Pet Farm
Stepping into my In-Law place, you would most probably be feeling you are in a mini pet farm. You can see a big pond of koi fishes, birds, rooster and now even bats stay in the banana tree which they grow. The reason my boys love going over there is the big space for them to run about and the many pet animals that they can see see look look.
A few days ago, my SIL caught a bat flying near her room and was eager to show it to my boys when they went over yesterday. Indeed my boys were squealing with excitement when they saw it.
Javier 1st Excursion
Today was supposed to be Javier’s first School Excursion. The school planned a trip to Pasir Ris Kids Kampong for a half day activity of:
I was feeling quite excited upon receiving the letter for this excursion as I was rather keen for Javier to have his first school excursion with his classmate. So that night I brought up this to D, however he was not supportive of letting Javier go for this excursion. :( His main concern is that he is currently too young and he might be too active for the teachers to handle. But on the other hand, I told him that I would be going for the excursion as this is a parent accompanied trip. So this arise another problem~~~ who will look after Jayden if I go for the trip with Javier.
So finally, we decided to give this excursion a miss. As Javier is still too young to understand, he did not feel sad when he did not get to go for the excursion.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Full Month Celebration
Due to my boys waking up quite late, we were later again for today full month celebration.We reached there quite late at around 7pm, although the my mil told me is it starts at 5pm. Its was still bustling with people when we reached there.
MIL 58th Birthday Lunch
We have lunch at Seafood paradise at Defu Lane today to celebrate my MIL birthday. I was rather surprise when we reached the restaurant, it was way above my expectation. I was expecting a rather simple eatery as it was situated in Industrial Park. And the place was crowded, so it must be quite well-known, so I think the food must be NICE! So let’s not waste any more time and let my pictures do the talking!!!!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
1st Educational Tour for Year 2010
The Theme for this excursion is “Meet Mr Postman”.
Do you know what happens when you drop your letters into the posting box? What is the sequence of mail? Who is responsible for the collection and delivery of mail? Find out at the 'Meet Mr Postman' pre-school programme.
- Highlights:
- Children meet Mr Postman
- Accompany Mr Postman to collect mail, cancel stamps and sort the mail
- Join Mr Postman and 'travel' on a scooter to deliver the mail!
He need to woke up very early for the trip as his school bus will pick him up at 7.10am. He was in such a good mood when D woke him and did not fuss one bit. I prepare some snacks for him to bring there. (But after he came back from the trip, he told me the teacher doesn’t allow him to eat the snack I prepared for him. He got to eat the one prepared by the school. :( )
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Shopping Shopping Shopping...
I love shopping!!! Ever since I become a sahm, shopping is considered a luxurious thing for me. I don’t have much time to go shopping for my own clothes now, with 2 monkeys along.
So what is the next best alternative??? Online shopping!! Of course, they is a risk to it as it may not look nice on us as what we see on the effect wore by the model. But I just cannot stop myself from getting a few pieces. I joined 2 online sprees and got myself 6 pcs of clothings. Wooohooo…. can’t wait for the clothes to arrive.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Javier @ 30 months
I know this post is long… initially I did not know what to jot down, but once I started writing, I just think of more and more things to write. So bear with my “long winded post”.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Animal show… Water… Animals…
As promised the boys last week, we brought them to the zoo today. It was a really cooling day today, however the sky was a little gloomy. Luckily it did not rain, and this cooling weather did make us trip much more enjoyable.
Bento #3 At The Farm
The Bento consists of dog shaped bread spread with peanut butter, quail eggs, apples, loackers biscuits and dried raisin.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Fun at Garden Plaza @ IMM
I need to get some bento accessories from Daiso, thus we decided to pop by at IMM for some short shopping. And I happen to saw this playground which is located at the same level as Daiso. So I asked Javier whether he wants to go to the playground.. (you know lah… my kids are not those easy type… we got to ask for their opinion before I bring them there. Sometimes when they are in a cranky mood, they won’t even want to step into any playground! :(.. hmmm) And my little boy says “yes”, so off we hop to the playground. Daddy and Jayden join us later….
A Hot Hot play in West Coast Park
After we send Jayden for his class, normally we will spend our time in the West Coast park MacDonald munching away the food and chit chatting. But I find that with a very very active toddler, it is really not easy to sit down and enjoy some relax moment. So instead of keep shouting and nagging at Javier to stop playing with the glass door and running about, I decided to bring him to the playground to use up some of his energy. Of course my niece, Gladys was so happy to join Javier in the playground exploring. :)
7th Month Prayer
A yearly affair for most of the Chinese in Singapore, we need make our offering to the “好兄弟”to ensure a “smooth” month for us. My FIL company have the praying today, so we went there quite early, before we send Jayden for his enrichment.
Friday, August 13, 2010
舅舅 House???
My boys loves going to their 舅舅 house. They have been pestering me to bring them there for quite some time. And since I told them this morning that I will be bringing them there after they come back from school. From the moment I told them till the moment we board the cab to go there, I think they have ask me close to 10x “Are we going to 舅舅 house now?” I am so tired of answering that I just nod my head in response. :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Butter with Choc chips Cupcake
As I have mentioned in my earlier post, these cupcakes was a last minute decision which I make this morning. I like preparing snacks for Jayden to bring to school, So once decision make, i wasted no time and quickly whipped up the cupcakes in less than 45mins. :) What a busy morning for me, luckily my boys woke up late, so at least I have some peace while preparing all the food.
Bento #2 Spiky Spiky
I prepared lunch for Jayden to eat in the food court occasionally unless he told me he wants to eat MacDonald Happy meal or 秋莲幼面(his favorite outside food). So I did another bento today.. :) Hopefully that the attractive little lunch box would speed up his eating.
Indeed the cupcake and tigger shape apple do speed up his eating, but that cannot be say for the fried rice. But at least he managed to finish the whole box of rice and the popcorn chicken (I do help a little in the eating of the popcorn chicken. :P)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My 1st Bento of Shapes
The Bento for today dinner consists of 2 onigiri shaped in heart and flower with some seaweed on top. A pan-fried Salmon, hard boiled eggs, broccoli and apple.
It was a very simple bento which was just perfect for a beginner like me. But I am glad that it managed to make my boys more excited during the dinner time today. Yippee…. :P
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch on Oprah
I came across this video of Dr Randy Pausch in my friend’s Ee blog and was really touch and inspire by it. I would like to share this here and pls do spend just 11 mins watching this video and it might change your life for the years to come…..
Inspire by this video, whenever I feel my anger erupting, I tell myself:
Time is all I have…
and I may find one day that I have less than I think…. Treasure and enjoy the time with our loved one…
Update of of Icreative lesson
Again.. it has been some time since I last update on Jayden's Icreative lesson. He likes going to this enrichment, no only that he likes to read the material given in the class. I will get him to practice reading the books, poems and some activity sheet almost daily.
United Square Mall
We decided to go somewhere where there is air-con for our lunch, it was so unbearable hot outside. So we decided on United Square since we can dine and also shop for kids stuffs.
Despite it was already 2pm.. way way over past their lunch time.. they were not feeling hungry at all. They rather play than eat. After dragging them away from the kiddy ride, we went to the food court for a simple lunch.
Jacob Ballas Children Garden
Our initial plan for today is actually the zoo, but the parking problem pose to be a very big problem for us, thus we decide to forgo this plan and change to our next destination which is the “Jacob Ballas Childrens Garden” at Botanics Garden.
Monday, August 9, 2010
MingHui & Jocelyn's Wedding
Just came back from the wedding dinner a short while ago. Although I do feel a little tired, but I hope to jot down this in my blog to share this joyous occasion. Today is the wedding of my hubby’s good buddy since his poly days whom I also know quite well.
My hubby went out early to help out with his wedding preparation, so me and the boys took a cab to the hotel ourself for the wedding dinner. This is the outfit which my boys wore to the dinner, as usual, posing for photos equal to funny faces and funny poses time!!!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Homeschooling – 23rd Week (19-25 July 2010)
Again, this is a overdue post of our homeschooling for Letter P. These few days, I am trying diligently to update some of the overdue stuffs we did for the past few weeks. And I am glad that it almost done!!! Phew….
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Jayden K1 school work
Its has been some time since I last update on Jayden school work for his K1 Class. Basically the type of activity worksheet which he did is still about the same.
Friday, August 6, 2010
A playdate with Lucas again!
Since our last playdate with Lucas, my boys have been pestering me to bring them to Lucas house again!!!! They love Lucas and of course the great amount of toys at his place. :) And when Liling told me she is on leave today and ask me for a lunch meetup, I just have to ask her for a playdate at her place today. And also due to we always have so much to talk about when we meet up.
Happy Birthday Singapore!!!!
Today the schools all over Singapore celebrate Singapore 45th Birthday in advance, which is no exception for my boys. They have to dress in red and white attire for today celebration. On our way to Javier’s school, we see so many kids wearing red, that Javier keep exclaiming Jie Jie, Gor Gor wearing Red T-shirt!!!! It marks a special event for Javier as this year is the 1st time he is celebrating National Day in school. Now he will point and tell me Singapore Flag whenever he sees one. :)
Since Javier’s school is having a mini party today, and parents are welcome to contribute any snacks for the party. I fried some fishball for Javier to bring it to the party.
Jayden reading chinese book
Every month , he would take back a chinese reader book from his school. I would say he can read very well to the extend that I think he has already memorise the story by heart instead of recognising the individual words. So sometimes, I would point to a specific words and ask him. I would say he can recognise 80% of the words but still my help in reading some of the words.
Homeschooling – 22nd Week (12-18 July 2010)
This is a overdue post for our homeschooling. When we do this homeschooling Letter O, I was still feeling “hardworking”, so we did a lot of stuffs on practical skill and crafts. But after soon after we start letter P, my energy just seems to zoom right to the bottom…. Nevertheless, I am now trying to find back my zest to do this homeschooling as I know Javier enjoys it alot (at least currently, he still enjoys the lesson we did, although sometimes when he feel moody, he wouldn’t want to participate in the activity we do).
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Talking this and that......
However I am feeling quite lazy and not in the mood to do anything. Progress of my homeschooling with Javier is getting very very slow. Practically we did not do much for the past 2 weeks. Mostly playing some educational toys and puzzles and reading some books. I realised that Javier seems to lose the attention span for the story reading time now. As I read the book, he would be wandering about or looking elsewhere....
Tantrum throwing is so frequent now, my patience is fast running out. Everyday from the time he wake up till the time he sleep, I seems to be anticipating a war erupting between us. He still sleeps very late at 12plus to 1am... !!!!!! When my MIL bring him over today, I feel so relieve and can finally take a break.
Another problem that trigger my temper is during meal time, both of time take such a long time to finish it. Hiaz... when will all this stop????? Will stop here for now.. still alot of unfinished grumbling.... :{
Books That Jayden Read – July
Recently the books which Jayden attempt to read himself is much more as compared to the last few months. Now we have develop a habit of bringing a book to read while we wait for Jayden’s school bus to pick him up.
Monday, August 2, 2010
A Day in Universal Studios Singapore
What I dreaded happen today! It RAINS!!!!!!!! As this trip was planned sometimes back and tickets had already been purchased, there is no way we can have any alternative plan. So we still went to Universal Studio early in the morning. But when we reached there, the rain had stopped and the weather was really cooling… Phew!