I know this post is long… initially I did not know what to jot down, but once I started writing, I just think of more and more things to write. So bear with my “long winded post”.
Ok.. back to our topics:
Toilet Training: I still let him wear his diapers during sleeptime. But other than that he is ok. He can hold his urine very well now. When he says he wants to wee while in the car, I would told him to hold a while until we reached home, and he is able to do it.
Reading: He likes reading picture books of animals. Currently his favorite book is “under the sea”, he likes me to go through the sea animals with him every night before he sleeps.
And oh, he can remember the titles of the books which I have read to him. Whenever he wants me to read a book to me, he will tell me the title of that book and then go to the book shelf and take it to me.
I noticed that his love for story reading have diminished alot. He cannot concentrate when I am reading the books to him. In the past, we would read the book together, he would tell me what is going to happen in the next page but now I rarely see such participation from him.
Learning 123: Hmmm. Still a challenge for me in this category. He can recite 1 to 20 but but but when it comes to numbers recognition, I feel that he can sense the tension in me whenever I teach him numbers. Although I know that he can recognise 1 to 10, but whenever I tried to ask him.. he would keep quiet and if I ask again, he would say he got stomach pain and wanted to end the session.
So one fine day, I got daddy to “test” him, and he got it all right. Maybe I should hand over this “maths teaching” to Daddy who is more patient.
Learning Body Part: His favourite body part now is “belly button”. He loves to raise up our clothes and point to it and says “peanut button” which give me such a good laugh. And I would correct him and says “this is belly button”.
Social and Emotional Development: There is a huge improvement in his behavior now. Just a few months back, I was mentioning that he likes to hit other children when he is unhappy. But now I am glad to say that he has “kicked away” this habit. I did confirm with his teacher and they told me he has “matured” recently. He no longer hit his classmate when he is unhappy now.
Although now he still grumble and says he don’t want to go to school every morning, but once he starts goes inside the classroom, he enjoyed it alot. He used to keep looking for “mummy” during the lesson and would ask the teacher “When is mummy coming or where is mummy?” several time in a the short 2hrs lesson. But the teacher told me he doesn’t do it so often now.. he will still ask but only once in a few days.
He doesn’t wander about during lesson now, he will sit down and concentrate when the teacher is teaching.
Discipline: When it comes to discipline, I am very harsh with my boys. When I give him warning and he don’t listen. I will hold out his hand and smack really hard. When he still do the naughty act again, I will carry him away and make him stand in the time out corner. Normally this work with Javier… but he will cry and scream whenever he is standing there. Only when he cooled down, I will talk to him and explain to him and get him to realize his mistake.
Feeding: There is a improvement during meal time now. But a slight “no no” from Javier is expected in the initial part of the feeding. But after that, he will normally eat his meal without any fuss. When it comes to feeding Javier vegetables.. it is much easier… at least he eats carrots, some leafy vegetables and pumpkin. I tried not to force him during meal time, as I know once I showed some impatience look and irritated tone, he will refuse to eat anymore. Dealing with Javier really needs alot of patience. He wants us to talk to him softly and gently.
Speech: He can talk in sentence most of the time now. But mind you, he is like a little “lor soh old man”. He likes to ask question all the time. Once he started his questioning.. there is no ending to it. Some of our conversation goes like this:
Javier: Where are we going?
Me: We are going to the shopping centre?
Javier: Why go to shopping centre?
Me: We need to buy something?
Javier: What you want to buy?
Me: @@
When he sees that I never reply, he will keep quiet for a while. When we reached the place….
Javier: What is this place har?
Javier: Oh.. IMM har?
Me: Yes.
Javier: Now we going carpark?
Me: Yes
Javier: Why we wait here har? (cos no parking lot!!!!!, my dear boy!!!!) ?…… (oh…This is only part of our conversation in the car!!! ok!!!!……)Sometimes I feel so tired and still need to entertain him in the car.
Favorite activity: Puzzles. He loves doing puzzles, currently these 2 are one of the favorite for Javier now.
My little vain pot: He likes to choose the clothes and the shoe himself instead of letting me decide for him. After shower, he will take the comb himself and attempt to comb his hair. (which of course makes no difference in the before and after combing).
Recently he learnt how to take off the tops (some of the tops which are more loose), he will take it off in public and give it to me. I would be busy chasing him and getting him to wear it back and he would be giggling and trying to escape from me. :(
Like your this update! SO FUNNY!
ReplyDeleteYeah, Yvette also very lor Soh like your boy and we have to keep entertain her.
She comb her hair like never comb before too.
haha.. I guess both of our tots are those chatty type. You need to entertain 1 chatterbox but for me is 2 chatterbox. Somtimes it can drive me crazy, that I got ask them to keep quiet just for 5mins.
ReplyDeleteOur kids do alot of funny things that really put a smile to our face.. keke.. for my boy, if I comb his hair for him, he will mess it up and comb himself again!!! :(