Our daily activities are quite routine. Javier will read his P&J books follow by 四五快读, after which I would read books to him. He likes to do painting and would always dig out his painting barang and ask me to do it with him.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Our daily activities
Friday, February 24, 2012
Term One Excursion
The excursion for this term is A Trip to Health Promotion Board. Program consists of 1Health Education Session on topic “Bright Smiles Strong Bones”. This term, the school decided to combine the outing for the morning and afternoon Session, thus Parents volunteer are needed for this trip. Initially I had wanted to PV, but on second thought, I couldn’t do so as no one will look after Jayden.
Perhaps this wasn’t a really exciting trip for Javier, thus he never mention anything to me when I picked him up. I did notice that my boys seems to make a lot of friends in school. From Nursery all the way to K2… he really mixed well in school!Ended up I decided to pick Javier from his school and bring him out after the excursion. We went Northpoint for food and shopping, and I ask my mum along too. We had a great time!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Nex Shopping Mall
Its our first time visiting this mall. The place is so huge that we never gotten to do serious shopping here. Reason being that our 2 monkeys were with us. But we did noticed that there is a wide variety of western, Japanese and other restaurants and cafes around. And of course my boys were definitely not bothered about the food or shop. What they were looking forward is the fun play at Kidzplay at the rooftop Skygarden.
But firstly, we decided to have our lunch at Food Republic food court which we later realised that is not a very wise choice actually. This food court is nothing to shout about, place wasn’t too big, seats were cramped, not much variety of food, and what make it worst, the food we bought wasn’t very fantastic too…
Friday, February 17, 2012
Our Simple Dinner
I’m being saying HCP over and over again. But frankly I am really in love with it. I whipped up today dishes effortlessly using it.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Speed Chaser – Connect-A-Cube
After Javier Speech Therapy, we went over to United Square to do some shopping and to grab some snacks. At first, Javier wanted to go to Popular to get some story book, but turn out that the store is under renovation. Thus we did not managed to get any books. We went to Growing Fun and he was instantly attracted by this Connect-A-Cube toy after seeing the various transportation that was feature on the box.
Readers : 我很开心
He loves reading the readers he brought back to school to me. I think the teachers did a good job, he can recognize the words in this book well.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Speech Therapy Session 1
Javier had his first Speech Therapy session today. We had a pleasant visit today, the waiting time was very short, and the staffs were really helpful and friendly.
During the short wait, Javier kept himself occupied with the activities on the wall.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
HCP Fried Rice
Trying out frying rice using Happycall. Results…. yummy and mess free!!!! I just love HCP. Been using almost everyday to cook my dishes.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Attempting to Swim?
He seems so keen to learn swimming, but alas Jayden instructor doesn’t take in such young kid. Hopefully next year, he can join Jayden!
Learning to Swim?
Today he display a strong interest to swim. He was happily trying to do is freestyle stroke and back stroke, perhaps he learnt abit after seeing Jayden swim all these while.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Chinese Reader - 来 来 来!
A simple book with many of Javier’s favorite animals. He love reading this book! Hear him said, “小象加油!”, he is so comical and cute.
Bubble fun ….
It has been a tiring period for us for the past few days with the boys having stomach flu one after the other. My little boy was super cranky and having numerous meltdown (as frequent as 5 minutes interval) in one day till it really drove me crazy (though I know that he wasn’t feeling well, but anger got the better of me and I just yelled at him and wanted him to be quiet!).
Finally his mood was much better this afternoon, and even wanted to do the assessment books and took it out for me and I sat beside him while he do it himself.
After that he rode the bicycle and play the toys himself while I cooked. Phew… I was really heaving a sign of relief. Praying real hard that his good mood will continue.
He told me he wanted to blow bubbles and thus I promised him that we will do so when we picked Jayden. So here we are at the void deck… he was enjoying his bubble blowing greatly.
Doing Work
Whenever I said, “Let’s do work!”.. These are the books that he will rush into the room and bring to me. Not sure why, but he love doing it. Today, being in a good mood, he took these books to me and said he wants to do it.
Friday, February 3, 2012
P1 Parent–Teacher Conferencing
The school invited the parents to the P1 parent – teacher conferencing to provide us with an awareness of the new Chinese Language curriculum and also an opportunity to interact with Jayden’s Mother Tongue Language teacher. I feel that it’s a good that I can understand more about this new curriculum and also a chance for me to speak to Jayden’s teacher to better understand how my boy is coping in class.
Below is the list for the weightage for the assessment for this year, as you can see there is no mid-year or end of year examination for Primary 1. Whereas bite-size form of assessments will be used to assess students’ learning. This assessment will only starts in term 2, giving the students some “warming up” period.
Jayden’s First Tooth
After a long wait, my boy’s first tooth finally drop off. He is well on his way to a new set of teeth.