As usual, Javier woke up very late in the morning, and doesn’t wanted to have his porridge lunch. So instead I prepare a simple sandwich Bento for him to bring to school. Seeing this, Jayden also wanted me to prepare one for him to bring to school for his snack.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Speech and Drama Class (Term 3)
TREASURE CHEST….. Each child is like a Unique Treasure Chest, waiting to be discovered and unleashed…. Enrolling Javier in S&D class is certainly not all about acting or singing but one of the most important skill I hope that he will learn is self confidence.
He has started attending the lesson conducted by Treasure Chest starting from Term 3. The lessons are make fun with exciting discoveries in literature through puppets, songs, poems, drama adventures and treasure hunt.
I would send him to school every Tuesday for his enrichment class conducted in Edelweiss Kindergarten. From the initial stage of unwillingness to go inside the school when he reached the door step to the current stage when he even doesn’t even remember my existent when we reached the school (Sob.. he doesn’t even bid goodbye to me now) and just dash in to look for Teacher Pat. I can conclude he really looks forward to the lesson and of course he love Teacher Pat! (He loves telling me about this teacher.)
One term had ended, and I am glad that he likes it very much, thus I never think twice when I received the form asking whether I would like to let Javier continue for Term 4. Of course its “YES”. :D
The theme for Term 3 is Animals Galore, which coincidently is Javier’s favourite topic, thus he participated well in all the lessons as noted by Teacher Pat.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Happy Teachers’ Day
I am deeply thankful to the teachers who shower my boys with love and patience in school and all the hard work and efforts they have put in, for educating them.
On this special day, I decided to prepare something for them, {cranking my brain} which is pretty limited. :P Thus I decided to bake some butter cupcakes.
His New Shoes…
He loves shoes and is rather particular about the shoes he wear. Shoes that he finds uncomfortable or design that he doesn’t like, he would not hesitate to dump it aside and never to wear it again. As mentioned in my earlier post, he loves transportation now. He was squealing with delight when he saw this CARs Shoe and signal for me to come over to take a look too.
Hua Nam Restaurant Tim Sum @ Upper Thomson Road
Driving along Upper Thomson Road, you can see many shop houses and eateries. I have came here for my Roti Prata meals or meals at other eatery no less than 10 times. But whenever I passed by this place and wanted D to try out the Dim Sum, he would tell me it doesn’t taste good after patronizing here once. But I was feeling quite curious as to why it is always so crowded despite that D kept telling me that the food is only so-so.
Thus I decided to give it a try, though D gave me a disapproving look. :P Looking at their shop front you would know it is a very historical place to have your meal. Actually It is pretty difficult to find these type of old restaurants with it's unique shop front now. Well, for seating wise, it is quite limited, but we were quite lucky to get a table within 5 minutes.
Abbot Discount Voucher
I have a $5 off Abbot discount voucher for grow milk powder, its valid till 31 January 2012. Let me know if you are interested in it. :)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Bento #35 Beetle Bento
I have been wanting to do a Beetle Bento for them for quite sometime, since they like bugs so much. Given that I had a brown bread on hand, its seem to be the perfect body for my beetle. And so here goes my Beetle!
The Bento consists of beetle decorated with cheese and choco chips for eyes, cheese for mouth, and flower picks for the feelers. Two quail eggs, a heart shaped banana cake and a jelly for dessert.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Swimming Lesson 8
Since the the previous lesson, Jayden has started to learn backstroke. He can swim a short distance using backstroke now, though he still need to practice more in his leg kicking and strengthen his ability to float in the water for a longer time.
The kids lying down to practice their backstroke’s leg kicking.
A leisure Sunday Walk
I don’t know the name of this place, its somewhere in Marsiling. We just drove by this place and decided to pop down to take a walk, although the weather is kind of sunny… actually it’s abit too sunny for my liking. But since there are 3 votes against my 1 vote, thus I got to to go along with the other 3 man. :P
Our favourite Sunday Breakfast
It might be oily and not a tit tat healthy for us, but my boys and D loves Roti Prata. And they love to dip it with sugar! :D
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Javier reading Peter and Jane book 3a
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
All about me – My body
We did a body tracing today, and the boys were giggling non stop when I traced. And they just couldn’t wait for their chance to try doing one for each other.
My boys’ bedroom
I feel it is time to let my boys especially Jayden to have their own room now instead of cramming with us. Thus we went bed hunting last week at Ikea, and decided on this bed from Ikea, and I like this bed as the upper deck is not too high. After discussing within themselves, it has come to the verdict that Jayden would be sleep on top while Javier sleep below.
The plan was to let them start today and both of them were excited about it. Until an hr ago, Javier came to me saying he doesn’t want to sleep with gorgor and wanted to sleep with me tonight. I was still feeling clueless with his change of mind.. until I touched him, and my gosh, he was burning… Javier is running a rather high fever of 39 degree now. And I feel it would be a wiser choice for him to sleep with me so that I can monitor his temperature in the night.
Bento #34 Love
A simple Bento of love….
Bento consist of peanut sandwich decorated with choco chips and cheese, and apples.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Jayden Graduation Class Photo 2011
Looking at the photos he brought back today, it suddenly hits me that 2 years seems to zoom by in a flash … In a few months time, Jayden would be graduating from Hope Kindergarten. And soon entering into another chapter of his schooling journey.
Bento #33 It’s Soccer Time!
Running out of ideas and but yet wanted to make something different for the boys, I made a Soccer theme Bento today. It’s simple with just cutting and punching required.
The Bento consists of 3 boys (which is the sandwich decorated with nori expression and cut out hair with the flower pick as hand) playing soccer. Hard-boiled egg as soccer ball decorated with heart-shape and also oreo bisucits.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Bento #32 Piggies goes Oink Oink
The pink bun was requested by Jayden the day before, thus I think the best animal to be in pink is none other than the piggies. Frankly, I think I am getting really good in making a pig…. :P after making them for a few of my Bento. Since my boys have different liking, I got to make a slightly different one for Javier. So ended up Jayden got 2 pink piggies while Javier got a white and black piggies.
Bento (on top): Consists of pink bun decorated with nori expression, cheese for nose and ears, apples and oranges, and not forgetting jelly for snack.
Bento ( below): Consist of white bun (after peeling the skin) decorated with nori expression and cheese ears and nose. An Oreo biscuts with cheese for nose and choco chip for eyes.
Learning to write letters
Despite that Javier can trace well, he still can’t write well without the dotted line to guide him. Thus few days ago, I started spending time with him to teach him how to write lowercase letters (which I think is much more important and difficult as compared to uppercase).
After a few session with him, he can now write a,b,c and d quite well.
He would trace the letter first, follow by practicing to write on a blank paper. It was quite tough in the beginning when he was learning to write a, but once he knows how to write a, writing b, d, g, p, q would be easy for him.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Jayden Swimming Lesson 7
He has gotten the green light from his instructor in his breaststroke swimming. He is now moving on to learning backstroke and he is enjoying it every bit.
All about me - Finger Labeling Activity
Currently, our home-learning is on the topics “All about me” and “The 5 senses”. Our first activity is finger labeling activity follow by singing a action song “Where is Thumbkin?”.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Term 3 - Parent Teacher Meeting
Things is taking a slight change in term 3.. My boy is no longer quiet in class who give full attention during lesson (as what the teachers mentioned in Term 1 PTM)
“He likes to talk!”, “他突然变得很活泼,也很爱和朋友说话”… these are first comments that the teachers gave me when we start our session. :( Its good that I know that he is getting well with his classmates, but being too talkative in class is still not a good thing. Its to the extent that the teacher cannot stand it and separated him from his good friend in class. Due to his (活泼)activeness, he run about carelessly very often, and fell down quite a few times, but luckily its all not too serious.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Fried Dao Xiao Mian
I was introduced to this noodle by Xiu Yan. On 1st glance, the below picture of the cooked noodle may looks like fried guo tiao, but the taste is definitely better than it. The noodle is quite Q when you bite into it and the texture is smooth.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bento #31
There wasn’t much stuffs which I can used to prepare for my Bento after digging through my fridge and there were only apples, hotdog and cheese.
Thus this is the very simple bento which I made so as not to disappoint my boys. They were kinda disappointed when I did not make any for them for the past 2 days, and question me why I did not prepare the bento for them. :(
The bento consists of sandwich, with hotdog eyes and mouth, with choco chips, cheesy stars, apples, jelly, chocolate.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hundred Board
Sometime back, we started on this hundred board, but half way through it, this activity was shelve for a few months. Until I decided to let Javier start it again this week. He was in the mood to do it for these 2 days, thus we completed it in 2 days! :D
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
They love it…
We meet up again! which means the boys can go to the playground with Bing Heng. Yeah… of course they were jumping for joy.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Bento #30 Fly Ladybug!
I did a simple ladybug bento for Javier whereas for Jayden who doesn’t eat cheese, I just prepared a simple snack consisting of French toast with apples for him.
This Bento consists of French toast, 2 pieces of oreo biscuits with cheese for the wings and eyes of the ladybug, grapes and burger gummy.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Jayden Swimming Lesson 6
They look forward to the swimming lesson on every Sunday. And of course one is there to learn and one is there to play. Jayden is progressing well into his swimming lesson and enjoyed it very much. The good point about this coach which I mentioned earlier is he is serious in his coaching and at the same time he would make the lesson fun for the kids. He would make sure every kids is able to learn the skills taught for that lesson, even though that means he had to stay back after the lesson to give some of the kids extra coaching.
Shopping mall can be fun too!
To my boys, shopping is definitely not their cup of tea! But how about something fun there, like playground… that would surely interest them!!!! So I decided to bring them to the playground located at level 3 Garden Plaza which is a good place for them to monkey about.
We discovered that there is a newly addition 7-metre Tall tree house playground there, and my boys couldn’t wait to try it out despite the super duper hot weather. And I seems to be melting under the hot sun while taking these few pictures. :(
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Ikea is fun!!!!
We make a trip to Ikea with the intention of getting a new bed for Jayden and also for our dinner. I guess when it comes to play, the boys sure doesn’t need us to tell them where… After the dinner, they simply dashed to the toy areas and started entertaining themselves with the toys.
A not so afternoon at West Coast Park
Normally after we send Jayden to his class on Saturday, our favourite hang out place would be either West Coast Plaza or West Coast Park MacDonald. Since we had not been to West Coast Park for quite a long time, we decided to go there today. As usual, it is very very difficult to get Javier to sit for 1hr plus at MacDonald, thus I decided to bring him to the playground for some running! And he readily agreed to it without any hesitation and so did D since he can enjoy some peaceful time in Mac drinking his coke and reading his notes. :D
Plants Vs Zombie
I think beside the Angry Bird game, the other popular one has to be Plants Vs Zombie. In fact even Javier love this game! Recently, Jayden loves to draw picture of it, during his free time, he would scribble and scribble lots of plants and zombies….. I think this the 5th drawing he drew for today.
A story on My fishing Trip
This is a story written by Jayden during his I-creative lesson. I think he really look forward to go fishing with D. :)
But I think the bait that he drew seems pretty huge!!! :P
Friday, August 12, 2011
Bento #29 Choo Choo
I did a Choo Choo train Bento for the boys today as they love Thomas and Friends trains, especially Javier.
This Bento consists of peanut butter sandwich, seaweed as window, and crackers for wheel, Oreo biscuits. A smiley sunflower make of hotdog and cheese with nori expression, grapes and apples.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Simple activity with Tees & Marbles
I saw these plastics tees and marbles in Daiso and thought I could do some activities with the boys using it. However after buying it, it just laid in a corner of my study room for a few months until today which I finally put it to better use. :D
Learning Chinese
Recently, I am quite slack with our home learning and focusing mainly on reading. But I am glad that at least he can recognize quite a fair bit of Chinese and English words now.
So today I decided to start my engine again…. we did some learning on Chinese stroke and also work on some assessment books which Javier requested to do.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
We are off to see the fireworks!!!!
Since we were not lucky enough to get any tickets for the National Day Parade but still would like to let the kids have a feel of the atmosphere of it. We decided to bring the kids to the promontory@marina bay to watch the fireworks. The boys were kinda excited when they knew that we would be going there togather with my neighbors and their boys.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Happy 46th Birthday to Singapore
The school had a early national day celebration today. My boys were so excited as it means that they don’t need to go to school for 2 days!!!! :P
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Makan and Shopping time!
The last time we cross over to our neighboring country is more than 1 month ago, feeling the itch to venture somewhere near for Jalan Jalan, the best idea that came to our mind is Johor Bahru! :D It was quite a downpour when we are about to make our way out, but that doesn’t damper the boys’ mood one bit.
I got them to smile, pose for me to take some pictures when D went to drive the car from the carpark. Of course, it wasn’t that easy to take these 3 decent pictures!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
We can finally go to the pool!
For the past 2 week, we encountered virus attack over at our home, all of us took turn being attacked by it. But now that the virus is far far away from us…. Its time to hit the pool again. I guess the happiest person is none other than Jayden. And it was such a coincidence that my neighbors had the same thought as us and off we happily leave for the pool togather! :D
Needless to say, the boys had a fun time playing togather, splashing water at each other until Deca have to proceed to another pool for his swimming test.
When a little boy meet a sexy girl….
She was looking so sexy wearing this dress and wearing a super cool sunglasses that Javier looks like he had found his dream girl (oh what about his other girlfriend???). :D
Hungry Ghost Festival
Its the time of the year where we gotta pray and make offering to to the “好兄弟”to ensure a smooth month for us. My mil told us about this praying at my FIL office and thus we make a trip there before Jayden class.
All these things that are to be distribute to the staffs after the praying ends.
Friday, August 5, 2011
A party of their own :D-*
It all started with the goodies bag that Javier brought home. It was not only 1 goodies bag but 3!!!! The boys just couldn’t wait to tear open the bag to see what is inside. After pouring the stuffs on the floor, they were already eyeing on the stuffs that interest them, just waiting for the green light from me. (My condition for eating the tidbits is that they must finish their Bento first. :P )
As you can see from the below pictures, they were enjoying themselves so much with just eating the tidbits and playing with the toys.
Both of them trying their utmost best to blow the balloon with some really funny faces and giggling in between.
Bento #28 Happy Bear
I did a Happy Bear Bento for the boys today. Yippee… its Friday!!! Although I am not working, but I do look forward to Friday too. Cos weekend is rest and relax days for me too as D would help in looking after the boys with me. And I don’t need to rush them to wake up, have lunch before they leave for their school. :D This Bento consists of Bonjour chocolate bread and plain bread with peanut butter and Oreo biscuits or rice crackers for the ear, grapes and apples.
Taekwondo Lesson
Jayden has been attending Taekwondo lesson for close to 10 months. So far he is still enjoying it, and this is my intention since I started him on this, I hope this will be a enjoyable sports for him.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Bento #27 The Piggies Brother
The Bento I made for the boys were a little different for the piggies as you can see. The reason being that one of them refuse to eat the pink bun and one of them simply love the pink bun. Nevertheless it was quite easy to make these piggies.
These Bento consists of bun with cheese for the nose, ears and chocolate chips for the eyes, flower hot dog and apples.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A fun afternoon!
When 2 boys and 1 boy meet…. it only means… fun, fun and more fun!!!!! As it turn out, the mummies agreed to let the 3 trios skip their afternoon nap and meet at the playgroup after their school. Of course, my boys were ecstatic about our plan and couldn’t agree more. :D
In fact they were so excited, they did not even want to wait for us and just dash out themselves with the big gorgor taking the lead.
Bento #26 Pizza Bento
I prepared a pizza bento for the boys, something different from our daily sandwich bento. Much to my surprise the pizza was easy to make and most importantly it taste quite good. The Bento consists of a pizza, colourful m&m chocolate (requested by the boys), kiwis & apples and yakult.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Odd or Even???
I try to revise odd and even with Javier as and when we are free. While browsing through the website, I find that this super teacher worksheets website really have a wide selection of printable which are not bad. I printed this worksheet for Javier which he not only can revise on his odd and even number but can also brushed up on his rote counting skill.
He has the problem (or habit) to miss counting at times, thus I tried to let him count as much as possible to correct this problem. I taught him to group the objects into pair and if there is a one remaining with no ‘friend’ means it is an odd number. I am not sure whether this is a good way to teach him odd and even, but at least at this stage it works well for him.
Counting by 2s up to 200
This is a good worksheet for Jayden to brush up his counting by 2s up to 200. He tends to get a little confuse when the numbers exceed 100, but after explaining to him, this worksheet is no sweat for him now! :)
Missing Numbers????
I happened to saw this cute worksheet on filling in the missing numbers and decided to print it for Javier, but this seems to be a tat too simple for him. :P
He is still not very good in writing yet, and he wasn’t in the mood to try writing also, thus I need to write the numbers for him.
Telling time - Revision
We did a simple revision on time reading using a worksheet printed here and also making use of our all time favourite and reliable hippo clock. :)
I will get Javier to read the time and adjust to the stated time in the worksheet using the hippo clock before drawing the hands on the clock. He can draw pretty decent hands but I need to help him to draw the “V” on the hands.