Today is the last day of our trip, after our breakfast we would be on our way back to Singapore… and it is going to be a very long journey of 8hrs.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 5 (Last Day)
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 4 (Part II)
Getting a bit lazy recently to update my blog. But told myself to update about the trip in case I totally forgot all about it. :P
Having had a steamboat dinner the night before, we decided to try the che zar tonight instead. After researching the trip advisor and food blog, I get to know this popular makan place which serves good food. When we reached there, it was already very crowded, so I guessed the food should be nice.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Playground with lots of Animals
Again, it is just me and Javier at the playground since Jayden is still in school. This is one of the playground with lots and lots of animals. I seldom bring the boys here as I just don’t like it here. In fact, this playground seems to be deserted as very very very few kids come here~~~ Sounds eerie right!!!
I brought Javier here mainly because he likes the animals and he has been bugging me to bring him.
You can see how he loves all these animals, he wanted to take pictures with all the animals! :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A trip to Animal Resort
It was such a hot day, we were contemplating where to go as each of us have our own place of preference, such that Javier wanted to go zoo, D wanted to go Sentosa, Jayden wanted to go pool and I wanted to go chilled indoor places. hahaha.. so finally we decided to go Causeway point to buy some stuffs at metro as there is a sales of 20% going on.
After shopping and having our meal there, it was already 2.30pm… Little Javier looks so sad and keep saying he wants to see animals. So once we got consent from my little 2 boys to go “Animal Resort”, so off we drove all the way there. Journey was long and that place was so unbearably hot!!!!!
But that is not a problem for my boys. So when we reached there, they were busy going around looking and feeding the animals.Playing hopscotch??? Nah.. he was just dashing anxiously to see the rabbits.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Rianne Full Month Celebration
Wow… Few months ago, we were still eagerly waiting for the arrival of this little princess, and now she is already one month old. Liling with baby Rianne
The happy family.
Thanks Liling!!!!! for inviting us to Baby Rianne Full Month Celebration, we enjoyed the food, my boys enjoyed the toys and I enjoyed chit chatting with you!!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Taking up a sport?
All along, I have wanted to let Jayden get involved with a sport, in fact anything is fine with me as long as he likes it. My main objective is to let him take up a sports that he likes as a form a exercise. But all the while I get negative feedback from him and thus my plan was shelve again and again. Until few days ago, while chit chatting with my neighbor, she told me she is sending her boys for taekwondo lesson.
Our conversation set my mind rolling and I was very very keen to let Jayden join the taekwondo also. In fact, it would be so much easier to convince him to to take part as he is buddy buddy with the 2 boys and likes playing with them.
Haha… I was right! Initially he did not want to go for the lesson, but I keep pyscho-ing him saying that he can play with the boys if he go to the taekwondo lesson. Hmm… phew.. he finally agreed.. !!!
Jayden have his first lesson today, he was enjoying himself alot with the punching and kicking that he learnt today. I asked him whether he likes to go to the lesson again, he says ‘yes’! I hope that he would maintain this level of enthusiastic as the lesson proceed and just enjoy himself in the lesson.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Not so traditional Lantern Festival
I am always filled with excitement on this day where most of the residents gathered at the void deck to chit chat and the kids get to play together. It is one of the rare occasion that I can see so many kids gathered together. :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
2nd PV Assignment – Excursion to Marina Barrage
I got my 2nd assignment! I am going to Marina Barrage with the kids today. I was feeling very excited and at the same time a little tit bit worried. But I guessed my worried is too much, we have such a fun and enjoyable day today. The kids were such a loveable bunch and were really very well behaved.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Singapore Zoo
It seems like we never get sick of going to the zoo, well at least for Javier! For me, I started to feel hot and tired even before I reached there. :P
When we reached there, the place was packed and the car park were full, so we gotta parked our car along the roadside outside the zoo entrance (and it was a good 10min walk to reach the zoo, of course our dearest D was so nice to us, he dropped us first at the zoo entrance before he proceed to park his car. :)
Crystal 8th Birthday Party
These few months, we have many birthday celebration in line for us. And Yes, we have a birthday party today and we are definitely looking forward to it!!!!
When we arrived, some of the kids were already doing craft. My boys sure wasted not time trying to do one.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Javier @ 31 Months
This update is abit late, I have have been quite busy the last 2 weeks to update and and this post slip my mind completely.
Speech: He can communicate very well now, not only with family members but also with our neighbors. He knows how to answer when asked his name, his age and what is he doing? or where is he going in proper sentence.
He is a little kaypoh.. whenever I asked Jayden a question, he would always answer for Jayden… and his answer always make me laugh. :)
I remember once on a rainy day.. as I told Jayden to wear his rain boots. And Jayden ask me “why need to wear boots?” And Javier was quick to reply: “Because it is raining, if wear rain boots, you won’t get wet!” and he still turn to me and act cheeky asking: “ Mummy, right or not!” :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Just me and Javier @ the Library
I was surprised that Javier miss some of the books which we have borrowed from the library a few months back. And I was doubly surprised that he could still remembers the titles of the books. He told me the 2 titles which he wants to read are “clip clop” and “Penguins".
But after checking the NLB online, only “Clip Clop” was available at the library. So I bought Javier to the Yishun library yesterday after his school. He sure was delighted to go to the library, he kept going to the shelf to get books until the bench has a small mountain of books.
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 4 (Butterfly Garden)
This is our last sight visiting before we went back to hotel for the boys to rest. We are really glad we chosen this Butterfly farm as my boys were ecstatic when we reached this place. As you know they were really into bugs, so of course they can’t wait to interact with “them”!.
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 4 (BOH Tea Plantation)
After visiting the strawberry Farm, we drive on to the BOH Tea Plantation at Sungei Palas. The drive there was not easy as the road is very narrow with only one lane which means vehicles going to and fro shares the same lane. It was so damn scary as we cannot see the oncoming vehicles approaching!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 4 (Strawberry Farm)
Firstly we started off with a late morning breakfast as my boys woke up very later at 9.40am. Secondly, Javier was sick, he started vomiting at 4am. which results in both of us did not really sleep well from then on. He keep waking up to vomit while I just cannot sleep seeing him so unwell. Luckily Javier was not cranky although he don’t feel well, he just want us to carry him which D took up this role for most of today.
We still went ahead with our sight seeing although I drop off a few sight attractions as I don’t want to overload Javier and wanted him to go back to rest. After discussing with D, we decided to go strawberry Farm, Boh Tea Plantation and Butterfly Farm.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Just me and Javier @ the Playground
When it comes to playground, it doesn’t matter whether gorgor is around or not. Javier sure knows how to enjoy himself even if he play by himself. He loves going to the playground although the weather is so scorching hot. He can even tell me “Mummy, it is very hot.”. But when I asked him whether he wants to go home, he would say “No, I want to play.” :)
Finally, today I force myself to forget about the hot sun and bring Javier downstairs for some exercise. I have really been lazy recently, very very reluctant to bring him to playground. I am glad to see that he really enjoy himself.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 3 (Part III)
After enough of nuaing in the hotel, we decided to drive to Brinchang Town for some exploring. It is been more than 20 years since I last step into Cameron Highlands, I don’t remember anything about this place except Rose valley. :) That goes to show how I love flowers since young, till now still can remember those flowers. … keke…:P
We spotted a day market and decided to see see look look. Although honestly speaking, I don’t dare to try the food.
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 3 (Part II)
After a 3hrs plus drive, we finally reached Cameron Highlands. (Actually 2 passengers were busy snoring away throughout the journey….keke… that is me and Javier… Honestly I did tried very hard to keep myself awake! But the cool air con and the motion of the car just rock me to sleep….). We did stop at one of the R&R Station for our lunch before we go uphill, as it was already way past our lunch time.
We took Tapah route when going uphill to Cameron Highlands. The windy and narrow road make me so giddy and I seems to be swaying with the car as the car make “the many sharp turning”. And the whole torturing journey took 1 hour. :(
Monday, September 13, 2010
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 3 (Part I)
Today is our last day in Genting, after our breakfast we would be driving on to Cameron Highlands. While on the way for our breakfast, Javier keep bugging me to bring him for the ferris wheel ride which he refused to take for the past 2 days. (Really don’t know what is going on in their mind. :( He wanted to take another ride, but we decided to go for our breakfast first as it is running late.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 2 (Part II)
We promised the boys that we will be bringing them to the indoor warm pool after they wake up from their nap. So here we are at the RainForest Splash pool, it sure was crowded with kids when we reached there. :)
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 2 (Part I)
We woke up to a cold morning and quickly washed up and get changed for our buffet breakfast at First World Cafe which was included in our hotel package. The food was quite standard with the local specialty and western food. I feel that the the buffet breakfast is rather of poor standard, machiam like a mass production heap of food. It was edible but nothing to shout about, and the dining area is abit dirty! :( Among the food, I only like the curry chicken which tasted ‘not bad’.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 1 (Part II)
When the boys woke up from their nap, it is time to start our adventure! We started off with the indoor theme park…. Javier was rather skeptical about the ride and would not take the Vienna Boat Ride with us, so ended up I took the boat ride with Jayden only.
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Day 1 (Part I)
We set off way early when the sky is still very dark at 6.10am to avoid the massive traffic. My boys were still feeling heavy-eyed when we usher them into the car. And it was drizzling when we are about to set off…. what a great start!!!! :(
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Road Trip to Genting and Cameron Highlands
Friday, September 3, 2010
Books that Jayden Read – August
Reading is not of the things that Jayden really enjoys. He loves us to read storybook to him but when it comes to reading the book himself, he doesn’t show such keenness. Nevertheless, I still hope that my purpose in bringing him to the library and reading books with him (I try to do so daily), he will develop a habit of reading himself. For now he prefer me to read the book with him, which is we takes turn to read (Jayden reads 2 pages, I read 1 page). I find that this way works well for him, he will willingly take one book (almost everyday) and read in the food court with me.
Things we did for the past few weeks
For the past few weeks, I have stop the homeschooling with Javier temporary. Instead we just read books and do some activities which Javier enjoys and also watch some educational show like Baby Einstein and Brainy baby (Javier loves these show).
After knowing this book “Far Far Away” from this blog, I decided to borrow the following books from the same author hoping to get back Javier love for reading, but I would say it is still not very successful yet.
Berries Lesson 02.09.2010
The lesson seems to get more interesting and Jayden really enjoys going to the class every week. Today the theme for the lesson is “马戏团”. Beside the teaching of the materials and doing some worksheet in class, there is always a craft related to the theme. Today a magic trick was taught and Jayden was so eager to demonstrate it us when he came out of the class. :)
I took a video of him doing the magic trick. Actually the video was not taken very well as it did not show clearly the trick. The trick was to turn a cup which was cut into half into a whole cup.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Update on Jayden Learning Journey
Beside his homework, normally I would spend sometime doing some assessment book with him. I find that this book who focus on the high frequency words is quite good, in terms of teaching the child to learn Chinese. Through this, Jayden learnt many new characters.
Every chapter, there would be a few sections. The first part would be introducing 4 new words, follow by sentence reading.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It is Playground Time!!!!
The boys enjoy every playground time which they have. Whenever I asked them “Do your want to go to the playground now?” They would quickly run to me and ask “Now???” Then they would waste no time and rush to put on their shoes!!!
Since today happens to be a school holiday as its Teacher’s Day, I decided to bring the boys to a nearby playground before their lunch.
Javier was so happy when we reached the playground whereas for Jayden he was feeling abit cranky as he was having a slight tummyache. (Actually the weather was so unbearable hot, that I took shelter in the shade)