Wednesday, June 30, 2010
神木與瞳 - 寬恕
If you have watched 《超级星光大道II》, you would have seen this duo. Their performance was outstanding and they really leave me with a deep impression.
I love most of their songs especially this song- 寬恕. one of the main reason is the duo (神木与瞳) have very powerful voices and their songs rocks. Of course, this song is very very nice and although I have listen to it for so many times, I still haven't got sick of it yet... in fact I love it!!!!
Homecooked Dinner 29.06.10
I tried cooking a few new dishes which I saw from here. The pictures in the website looks so yummy and the steps looks simple. So I decided to give it a try. But I am not sure where went wrong, the taste is just not right for me. My hubby say the Fish is quite nice, but just not to my liking but still edible lo. The vegetables and chicken dish is still not too bad.
Homecooked Dinner
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Our homecooked Dinner 28.06.10
I seem to run out of ideas to cook for dinner. And it is so difficult to cook for the boys, whatever I cooked doesn’t seem appetizing to them at all!!!! For today dinner, we have Roasted drumstick, fried egg and codfish, stir fry pickled mustard with fishball (I love this dish, but I seldom cooked it now as my boys don’t eat it) and a soup.
Homecooked Dinner
Icreative Lesson 19 (26.06.2010)
For this week, his lesson consists of a Poem -“Higgledy, Piggledy, My Black Hen. I had a hard time teaching him how to pronouce “ Higgledy and Piggledy”, until I circle and break the word, then he managed to grasp what I have been trying to teach him.
Icreative Learning
Monday, June 28, 2010
Icreative Lesson….
It has been some time since I update about Jayden Icreative lesson. Here is a backdated post which shows some of the poems and activity worksheet for the past few lessons.
He likes reading all this poems and can read very well after going through with him 1 or 2 times. Ahmmm.. when it comes to drawing, he sure needs more practices. :)
He likes reading all this poems and can read very well after going through with him 1 or 2 times. Ahmmm.. when it comes to drawing, he sure needs more practices. :)
Icreative Learning
A visit to Lucas Mummy New Place
Liling just shifted to her new place about 2 weeks ago. And she invited us to her place yesterday for a simple makan and for the kids to play togather. I was really looking forward for this trip as we can chit chat again! Honestly, I do not know what to get her, so I decided to make some cupcakes for her. I am not sure whether the taste is good or not because this is the 2nd time I made chocolate ganache cupcake. (the 1st time was a flop) :(
Edison 5th Birthday Party
Today we were being invited to Jayden so-called “GOOD FRIEND” Birthday Celebration at Kallang MacDonald. We were abit late for the party, and when we arrived, the kids were already starting their game activity. So after passing Edison the present, he quickly sit down for the game to resume!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A Sneak Preview @ Universal Studio Singapore
Fun Places for kids,
Place of interest,
Theme Park
Saturday, June 26, 2010
WET @ Wild Wild Wet
Outdoor activities
A Playdate with Yvette
We were supposed to meet up with Yvette mummy and her gal for a outing to Botanic Garden on Thursday. But I got to cancel it as I was not feeling well the day before. However after much effort, we did managed to have our playdate which is at Yvette mummy’s place.
Fun Activities,
Friday, June 25, 2010
Everywhere is SALE SALE SALE…
Actually yesterday we are supposed to have a playdate with Yvette. But due to mummy which is me lah not feeling well the day before. We decided to cancel the playdate. But I was really looking to meeting with Yvette Mummy and her gal, and in the end we did meet up!!!! I shall talk about it in my next post.
As I was feeling much better.. (no more running loo), I decided to bring the boys to United Square to buy some toys since I have promised that a few days ago that I will be bringing them to buy toys.
As I was feeling much better.. (no more running loo), I decided to bring the boys to United Square to buy some toys since I have promised that a few days ago that I will be bringing them to buy toys.
Homeshooling - 19th Week (14 -20 June 2010)
We seems to be still in a holiday mood.. so the flow of the lesson is more relax and not very well-planned. I guessed I still need some time to warm up my engine before we will be able to pick up the pace. Although I still feel quite lazy to start the homeschooling with Javier, nevertheless I feel that they seems much more well-behave when I do lesson with them. So here we go.....
Letter M
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Play Date with my Nieces
It has been a long time since I last brought my boys to my brother place. Of course, the boys were jumping for joy when I told them I would be bringing there to visit my nieces today. Actually I was feeling not well since yesterday night, been running the loo, but I doesn’t want to disappoint the boys as they were so eager to go there. The first thing they ask me when they woke up is “ Are we going to Jiu Jiu House now?” So finally preparing all the necessary barang barang, we set off for my brother’s place at 11.00am.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Progress of Jayden Reading Program
Currently Jayden is reading book 10a of the Peter and Jane series. So far he is doing well in his reading. :)
Notice a boy whinning at the background, that is my little boy throwing his tantrum again!! He doesn't wants me to do the reading with Jayden, he wants 'ME' all to himself!
Notice a boy whinning at the background, that is my little boy throwing his tantrum again!! He doesn't wants me to do the reading with Jayden, he wants 'ME' all to himself!
Javier @ 29 months
Whenever I want to pen down the things that Javier currently knows, I would definitely ponder and decide what to write. AThis post is not to 'show off' what Javier knows but to record it down for me to look back in future. :)
A waist bursting meal
Today was a emotionally tiring day for me. From the moment I woke up, I have been greeted by my little boy crying, fluctuating temper, fighting with his gorgor, demanding behaviour... and many many others.....all this push my temper to the limit and I caned him today, not one but three times on the buttocks!!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Cute little cupcakes
Just thinking of doing something with the kids since daddy is out of town as I am not planning to carry out the great task of bringing them out alone, we decided to make some cupcakes at home today.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
To Daddy.....
Today is Father's Day, so I would like to take this opportunity to SAY A BIG THANK YOU to Daddy!!!
The major difference between the fathers of our time and the modern daddy of now is the involvement with the family. In the past, the man job is to bring back money for the family thus the rest of the loads would fall onto the shoulders of the wife!!!! So naturally, we would be much closer to the mummy as she is the one who spends most of the time with us.
The major difference between the fathers of our time and the modern daddy of now is the involvement with the family. In the past, the man job is to bring back money for the family thus the rest of the loads would fall onto the shoulders of the wife!!!! So naturally, we would be much closer to the mummy as she is the one who spends most of the time with us.
A Dinner Date with Lucas Mummy!
It was great meeting up with Liling and Lucas. It seems so long ago that we can sit down togather and chit chat since Liling started work. I enjoy talking to her as we shared the frequency in our thinkings, we can talk about anything with each other. And I also think that not many people can tolerate my 2 hyper active monkeys which tends to go ABIT overboard when they starts to fool around. But Liling is quite OK with it and laugh at their MISCHEVIOUS behaviour. So going out with her is a enjoyable time for us!!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Homecooked Dinner 17.06.10
Recently, I have been surfing alot of food blog to get new dishes to try out. Of course, the 3 man in my family got to be my guinea pigs. :o . keke... I come across this blog which gives really simple recipe yet the taste is great.
Homecooked Dinner
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ikea Again!!!!
Ikea is one of our favourite Makan and shopping place to bring the kids. Nice yummy chicken wings, hot dog bun which we likes alot!!!! And alot of stuffs for us to see see look. Even Javier is so familiar with it now, once he sees the Ikea building, he will exclaimed "ICE CREAM". :)
Homecooked Dinner 16.06.10
I cooked a very simple dinner just for my boys as we would be going to Ikea for dinner and shopping later.
Homecooked Dinner
A Typical Day for us
Besides doing homeschooling with my boys, we would engage in playing educational toys, puzzles, reading books or they would just play with their toy animal Figurine or Ben 10 Toys . Recently Javier has develop a interest to watch Leapfrog Letter Factory, during his free time, he would request me to let him watch it. Javier learnt alot of the letters and the letter sound from watching this DVD. I try to limit the boys' TV time and would only let them watch the shows during their meal time.
Activities at home
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Malacca - Last Day
Fun time comes to an end so quickly. Today is the last day of our trip... anyway there will be more makan and fun places for us today !!!! But firstly, we need some energy booster :)
Port Dickson N Malacca
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
海鳴威 & 泳兒 -- 你的承諾
A very nice and touching song sang by 海鳴威 & 泳兒. I personally really like 泳兒 song.
Port Dickson & Malacca - Day 3
It is time to bid farewell to Port Dickson. We do feel abit sad to leave the comfort of our resort. We have a really enjoyable time staying here.
Port Dickson N Malacca
Monday, June 14, 2010
Our Homecooked dinner 14.06.10
Tonight dinner was rather unsuccessful right from the beginning. I cooked stewed chicken wings with potatoes, and the dish was nearly burnt as the careless mummy was busy surfing net in the room. :( Luckily I managed to savage it in the nick of time!!! Phew.. Beside this dish we got a lot of fried food.... fried eggs, fried hotdog, fried dumplings and fried salmon.
Homecooked Dinner
Port Dickson - Day 02
I woke up bright and early today to take a stroll along the beach. The air is fresh and the wind is cooling. Just a short walk from our room which took me less than 5 mins to reach the beach. There I saw a lot of peacocks from the PET FARM wandering at the beach.
Port Dickson N Malacca
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Short Getaway to Port Dickson & Malacca Day 01
We are back!!! Although it is meant to be a relaxing trip, but we still feel tired having to lug 2 kids along. Kids are really temperamental, one moment they can be laughing happily, the next moment they are throwing their tempers and crying and sometimes worst still, want us to carry them!!!!! Neverthelss we have 4 days of fun fun fun... with lots of sand, water, animals and yummy food!!!!!!
Port Dickson N Malacca
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
We are off to Port Dickson & Malacca!!!!!!
In a few more hours, we will be setting off for Port Dickson for our short getaway. Yihaaaaaaa!!!!! Will upload photos of our trip when I come back on Saturday..... Bye!!!!
Homeshooling - 18th Week (31 May - 06 June 2010)
My boy is finally better this week!!!! He even asks me to do homeschooling with him, both my boys likes these lesson alot, especially reading poems and doing crafts. Whenever I told them "craft time", Javier would dash into my study room and take out paints, dot markers, pom pom.... the list just goes on. That shows how he is looking forward to the craft. :)
letter L
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Homecooked Dinner 08.06.10
Daddy is having a farewell dinner with his colleague tonight. So I din cooked any dishes, just a simple fried rice and a soup. Since it is a one dish meal, I tried to make it nutritous by adding silver fish, long bean, corn and hot dog to the fried rice. My boys enjoyed the fried rice, just that Jayden don't want to eat the corn, but at least he eats the long bean!!!! (great improvement) whereas Javier don't want to eat the silver fish.... !!!!!!Why is my boys such fussy eaters!!!!!
Homecooked Dinner
Strawberry Jelly
Thinking of making a simple dessert that my boys like. I decided to make this simple strawberry Jelly. It tasted exactly like the one sold in the foodcourt's Fruit stall.... Jayden likes it alot!!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Our Homecooked Dinner 07.06.10
Today dinner is prepared by my mummy and me. We have a nice and simple dinner of stir-fried long bean, Steamed Garoupa, silky steamed egg, roast chicken wings and ABC Soup. But the dinner seemed not to the liking of Jayden. He has comment for almost every dishes except for the egg and soup. Jayden is a really fussy eater, who has a complete dislike for vegetables. But luckily he likes to eat fish since young, any type of fish is ok with him. But today he comments that the fish got a funny smell and alot of bones which is his excuse not to eat it.
Homecooked Dinner
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Fish... Turtles...Fish
No plan for today as I was having the lazy mood again. It was daddy who decided to bring the boys to the Qian Hu Fish Farm. I guess it was a good idea as Jayden was saying that he wants to buy some fishes to rear in my PIL pond. So after our lunch, we set off to the Qian hu fish farm which was located at Sungei Tengah. It started to drizzle when we are on our way there, luckily it is a sheltered area, so we don't have to worry about getting wet.
Place of interest
Saturday, June 5, 2010
This is a long overdue dinner which we intended to bring my mum to. Actually we were planning to bring my mum to this nice 鱼头炉 during Mother's Day. But my boy was sick that day so we decided to postphone the meal.
Today My mum came to our place after the zoo trip, so we decided to have our dinner at 车老板 tonight.
Today My mum came to our place after the zoo trip, so we decided to have our dinner at 车老板 tonight.
place to makan
It's The zoo Again!!!
Seems like zoo is our favourite place for our outing. The boys have been looking forward going to the zoo everyday. Once I tell them we are going to zoo, the first thing they ask me when they wake up is "Are we going to the zoo now?" So today I decided to bring them to the zoo and my mum would be joining us today! Yipppeee.. the boys were so happy that their 'porpor' is going to the zoo with them. As Daddy is working today, we gotta take bus 927 to the zoo.
Place of interest,
Friday, June 4, 2010
Mr Bump!!!
My boy had a bad fall yesterday, resulting in a big swell on his forehead. I was brushing Jayden's teeth, and he was climbing up and down the toilet bowl behind me.. Suddenly, I heard a loud 'thump' followed by the loud wailing from my boy. Oh.. the bump is really very huge, and I quickly applied zambak on it and keep massaging the bump. Luckily he was quite cooperative to let me massage the bump but he would only let me touch the bump... for Daddy is 'no no no', he cannot touch it!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Lemon Cheesecake
Ever since I saw this recipe for the Lemon Cheesecake, I have been wanting to try doing it out. Lazing around for more than 2 weeks. Finally, I decided to take some action today since I have already bought all the necessay ingredients....and I have got 2 little helpers to help me. So no more reason to postphone!!!!
Our dinner 03.06.10
We have a simple dinner of fried egg, steamed fish, wintermelon soup and Cajun Ribs. I saw the recipe for the Cajun Ribs at this blog. The picture of the dish looks so mouth-watering, I just have to give it a try. The steps were very detailed, so it is quite easy to follow.
Homecooked Dinner
A dinner at Sakea Sushi @ Sun Plaza
Its has been 1 week since Javier step out of the house beside going to my pil place. I don't even dare to bring him out to the minimart near my place. However today , I need to pick up a book which I have reserve in Sembawang library as it is ready for collection, so we decided to go sun plaza for our dinner as well. We have a yummy meal at Sakea Sushi, my boys enjoy the food as well. I am glad to see that Javier appetite is improving.
place to makan,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Homeshooling - 17th Week (24-30 May 2010)
This week is really busy week for me, as Javier is down with hfmd and he is super cranky, he wants me to carry him all the time. Thus I don't have much time to update my blog or prepare my stuffs for the upcoming lesson. Today I finally have time to update my blog as my boys are at my pil place.
Letter I
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
On the Road to Recovery
I am glad that Javier is finally better now, although he has not fully recovered yet. I have develope a habit of checking his hand, foot and mouth daily to note for any new blisters. I am happy to say that situation is under control, no more new blisters and the ulcers at his throat is clearing up. His appeptite is improving, he will ask for food and snacks to eat now. The last 4 days were really 'Hell' for us, his crankiness, bad appepitte, bad tempered... all that you can think of. He smacks my hands and legs me countless of time until I lost count, I did not scold him but just hold his hand to stop him from hitting me. I know his throat ulcers is causing him alot of discomfort and pain. And that there is nothing I can do, but jsut hold him and pat him and console him. I know he is venting his anger from pain, that's why he hit me.
Books that Jayden read - May
This month, Jayden read quite a number of book on Thomas the Tank Engine and Mr Men Series Book. Most of the books are chosen by himself, except for 2 books (My Garden and The Cat in The Hat).
Books that Jayden read
Jayden K1 School Work
No play but a lot of work!!!! That's how I describe Jayden K1 curriculum in school. It seems to me that Jayden really writes alot and do alot of worksheet in class.I understand that his school forcus alot on developing the child academically. But I suppose all work and no play makes him a dull person..... everytime when he comes back from school, I would ask him "what did you do in school". His reply is forever " I write alot, do worksheet, colouring".
Hope Kindergarten
Shopping @ Thomsom Plaza
Last Sunday, after my pil picked my boys to their place. I was thinking whether to go to Singapore expo Popular fair, Suntec Bookfair or Thomsom plaza. And finally me and hubby decided to go to Thomsom Plaza to shop for grocery and some books as it is the nearest to our place :). Yvette Mummy told me of this great stall that sells alot of 2nd hand book at Thomsom Plaza. When I reach there, the stall was quite packed. I supposed many people knows about this temporary stall. I managed to get a few Dr suess books for Jayden, it was definetly a great buy, cost me less than $5 per book. Although it is 2nd hand book, condition was still good!
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