It has been a long time since I last brought my boys to my brother place. Of course, the boys were jumping for joy when I told them I would be bringing there to visit my nieces today. Actually I was feeling not well since yesterday night, been running the loo, but I doesn’t want to disappoint the boys as they were so eager to go there. The first thing they ask me when they woke up is “ Are we going to Jiu Jiu House now?” So finally preparing all the necessary barang barang, we set off for my brother’s place at 11.00am.
My nieces were so happy to see the boys especially Javier. Early in the morning they were already calling me to ask me when we would be reaching. That’s goes to show how much all of them loves meeting each other up.
Finally we reached our destination and the gals rushed out to welcome us. :) Knowing that Javier loves sweets and jelly, they keep offering him 1 sweet after another.
The 2 bubbly kids … Glenda loves taking pictures with Javier. And I love taking pictures of the 2 of them too. 

I enjoy my mum’s cooking alot, She cooked Fried mee for us today and it was yummy!!!!. I gobbled it up, but ended up it cause me to run the loo!!!! :( Oh dear.. what a price to pay for being greedy…..
We are having Steamboat tonight… … Oh why is the the dinner so sumptuous tonight? My tummy is grumbling not from hunger but from all the discomfort, nevertheless I still have my steamboat. :(
Our Steamboat Dinner!!
I guess it would be quite a while before the kids can go to their “Jiu Jiu House” again when the school re-opens next week. But I can see that they really enjoyed their time there!!!! :)
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