Wow… can’t believe time passes by so fast. Life have been much busier with a baby now. In a few more hours, Joelle would be turning 5 months old. It seems just not long ago, I was just holding her in my arm, a teeny tiny newborn. Looking back at the pictures then, it bring back so many memories. My days now are filled with so much joy and laughter since she came into my life.
I had wanted to update more often of Joelle growth and the boys’, but tiredness overtake me often and normally by the time I was free, it mostly after 10pm, and I was real lazy also lah. ^^
But I do tried to update on Dayre daily (Dayre is an app that be found in the Apps store or google play.
Here I would post some pictures taken for the last 2 months.
She hates tummy time and would wail and screamed for me to flip or carry her soon after I laid her down.One month ago which is when she turns 4 month old, she can suddenly flip overnight. Just 2 days ago, when we brought here for her 4 month checkup and vaccination, I was still telling the PD… .she can’t flip yet.. no sign of her learning or trying to roll over. And the PD reassure me that sometimes girl would be slower. But 2 days later, she just roll over. And from that moment over, there was no stopping her, she was rolling over again and again. But the bad news is that she can’t turn from tummy to back.
(As I mentioned earlier, she hates tummy time), thus she would scream for us to rescue her whenever she roll over.
So you can see from the below picture, I tried to prevent her from rolling over by putting a cushion to block here. But as you can see again, she was so angry that I blocked her. ^^
But she is so persistent to roll over even just after her milk feed… vomit already still wanna flip!!!!!!
Taking lots of pictures and video is the only way that I can freeze the moment for now. She is a sweet girl who likes to smile. Every morning, when she wakes up, she would lie on the bed and give me sweetest smile and baby talk to me. (Love these moments so much)
Looking so cute and innocent but is actually a chilli padi, her crying and screaming can bring the whole house down. Daddy has phobia to bring her out alone, worried that she would cry suddenly. (She is always doing this to Daddy, crying so loudly when he carry her.)
She loves kids but is teeny tiny afraid of Javier as he often disturb her or scare her. But she loves playing with Jayden and my neighbor's kids.
I love dressing up her, there is so much different types of clothing for girls. I am going crazy shopping for her. So many cutes accessories, shoes, dresses…..
Recently, I have even started DIY-ing headband for her to go with her outfit. ^^ Most of the headband in this post is DIY by me, actually it is quite simple and fun making it. The reason I had wanted to let her wear hairband is due to the reason, she has really messy hair that seems all over the place. And its even worst now since her hair is dropping.
This is one outfit that Daddy likes. He is one who seldom give comments on any outfit that we wear, but when he sees Joelle wearing this yellow romper (from Old Navy), he says “NICE”! Wow… its so nice to hear that from him.
Love this ballerina top which I bought from Carters, it such a pretty top and quality is “thumbs up”.
This is a dress from Babygap. Babygap has so many sweet and adorable dresses and I just couldn’t stop buying some for her.
Recently, she has become so much mischievous, she will turn her head away and refused to look at the camera when I wanted to snap pictures of her. Of course, this is a coincidence picture of her using my len’s cover to cover her face lah, don’t think she is so clever yet to be able to use it to cover her own face lo.
Notice the necklace she is wearing, it’s amber necklace which is not only attractive to wear and it also provide natural pain relief and soothing analgesic support during teething (which is my main reason for letting her wear it).
She is getting much stronger, and would attempt to sit up by herself on the rocker.
Dressing up her up like a minnie mouse. She is still too young to select the clothes to wear, thus now is the best time to dress her up whatever I like. Haha… for my boys, they are starting to be choosey in the clothes and thus I need to check out with them before I purchased any clothes for them.
Anything which he get hold off, she will stuff inside her mouth, and Javier love to give her stuff to practice her fine motor skill.
The mischievous boy dumping all the socks on Joelle and I guess she finds it funny too from the way she giggled. ^^
My dearest mommy with my niece and Joelle. My niece carrying Joelle, she is really good with kids. She can carry baby so well and Joelle love her too. She did not even look for me the whole day unless she wants to sleep or drink milk. ^^
Over here, she is playing with her playgym. At least it can entertain her for a while when I am busy. ^^
That’s all for my update for now. Will try to pop by my blog as much as possible. ^^
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