It’s school holiday which means the boys could meet up with their cousins!!!! Of course my boys love it!!! Today we went to causeway point for some shopping, we had a fun time spree-ing!!!
Enough of shopping, we went to Dian Xiao Er for our lunch. I have dine here few times and find that the food is quite nice especially the duck. ^^
My Mummy with Jayden and Gladys.
After a not too long wait, our food is here.
Roasted duck with Dang Gui. Simply yummilicious…..
Pork Ribs
After our meal, the kids wanted to have some snack, so we popped down to MacDonald for some fries and Ice cream.
Although I have mentioned countless time, but I have to mentioned it again…. Javier adores the girls as they really dotes on him a lot!!!!!
Yeah.. he seeems really happi!!!!!
The girls would be going to our place for another round of play after ending our trip in causeway point. ^^