We borrowed a number of books with story related to bird for this month, mainly due to we are doing a Lapbook on Bird.
I’m sure the author of the first 3 books is no stranger to most. These were a hit with Javier, he wants me to read it to him every night. He could almost read it with me by memory.
Are You My Mother? by P.D Eastman
Birds by Kevin Henkes
How Many Blue Birds Flew Away by Paul Giganti, Jr. This book is for learning to count and subtract.For example, the first page shows a bowl of fruit and kids are asked, How many apples were there? How many oranges were there? How many more apples than oranges were there? I would not recommend it as the illustrations are bland and the text is dry and boring. We only managed to read it twice and the book was discarded on the bookshelf.
Speed, Speed, Centipede! by Michael Dahl This a highly recommended book. It has cute illustration and rhyming text. And most important of all, it teach the kids to count by 10 all the way to 100.
Footprints in the Snow by Michael Dahl A book on counting by 2.
Puppy Mudge Finds a friend by Cynthia RylantThis is a simple book for beginner reader like Javier. We would read this book togather instead of me just reading to him.
Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom! by Stuart J. MurphyThis book was such a hit with Javier that he wants to sleep with it. Every night after reading it, he would take the book and put it underneath his pillow to accompany him in his sleep. :D I even printed some materials and did some patterning activity with him with regard to this story and he love it so much. I shall share this activity in another post.
It was also after reading this book, that Javier felt in love with cars. He started digging out the toy cars amidst his mountain of messy toys in the room. He also pester me to buy new toy car set for him when I brought him to shopping mall…. (which he had never done before, he used to pester me to buy animals related toys)
The Best Bug Parade by Stuart J. Murphy.This is a great book to teach size relationships as well as some basic reading words. The illustrations are great.
Material covered in "Best Bug Parade":
Big, bigger, biggest
Small, smaller, smallest
Long, longer, longest.
Short, shorter, shortest.
Good, Better, Best.
Beside these books, we also read some Chinese books like 当当猫 and 鼠小弟.
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