It can get quite cold at night with a average of 3-4 degree, thus you could see that I am wrapped up like a dumpling.
Actually D was quite tired from all the walking earlier on, and wanted to postpone this night scenery viewing to another day. But finally I managed to convince me to go.. :P
The Government Building is located near Shinjuku station. But the walk from the station to the building took us almost half hr. Tiring!!!!
Tree were decorated with white and golden bulbs. It almost make me feel like its Christmas time.
Finally we reached the Government Building- North Observatory. We took a lift up to the Observatory.
Over here, we could see the night view of Tokyo.
Souvenirs can be bought here.
We went back to Shinjuku for our very late dinner at 10plus. We saw some really cute bread in this bread shop, basically you can find nicely made bread in most of the bread shop.
I noticed that alot of the the bread, dessert, or cake have strawberries in it. I wondered is it the Japanese loves to eat strawberries.
Well, although it looks nice, but the bread we bought from this shop wasn’t too fantastic though.
As it was quite late, most of the eatery in the mall are almost close for business for the day. So we decide on this Vending Machine eatery.Within the glass cabinet display were several plastic replicas of the food. We were standing here, studying the meal and deciding which one to get as all the words are in Japanese.
This is the vending machine for meal ordering, it was entirely in Japanese! Every button corresponded to a certain dish but we were totally clueless as to what the Japanese characters read! So we just did some guessing and did our ordering.
It was easy using this machine:
1) Insert coin, and press the meal button of our choice.
2) Retrieve “meal coupon”
3) Pass the coupon to the staff inside the eatery
4) Get the food and enjoy
We quickly finished our meal, as we are the only customer at that time. The staffs are already keeping the sign stand outside, ready for closing soon.
** Although the eatery inside the mall closes at 10plus, but not to worried, there is still a wide selection of eatery in Shinjuku when you walked out of the station.
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