Prior to our goose theme lesson, we brought the kids to the Animal Resort last week to see a real goose.
Based on the goose theme, I also teach him a new vocabulary word related to goose that is Gosling (which means baby goose)
Beside that, we learn some new words which begins with "G": Gloves, Gun, Garlics, Grapes
I show Javier the actual things followed by the picture cards, hoping he can related the picture to the objects. Sometimes during the day, I would revise the picture cards and words with him, asking him to fetch me the garlic, gun or gloves. He is able to get the right things for me.
Learning the alphabet G
Each day of the week, I would do a different craft with Javier to let him practice the writing of the letter.
On Tuesday: I let him used a toothpick to poke on the letter. I place the piece of paper with the G printed on a mat for Javier to poke.
On Thursday: Javier uses a dot marker to print on the letter G.
On Friday: I left this this piece of paper on the table while I went to gather some materials. Javier just trace the letter G himself without any help from me. Although he did not write the g correctly, cos he start tracing from the bottom part of the G but I think he did a great job. The 2 Gs are trace by himself!!!
I also use this leapfrog fridge phonics to teach him the letter G .
I let Javier watch this elmo alphabet song.... He loves it, he would tell me "Elmo Elmo" when he wants to watch it.
We did not do many crafts this week. But I still managed to do 2 crafts with Javier.
Craft 1: The fluffy Goose
Javier like this craft alot, cos we are using cotton wool for the goose feathers. As I have mentioned in my earlier post.. Javier lovessss cotton wool. Whenenver I told him to take out the cotton wool from my room, he would dash in the room and get it for me immediately.
Craft 2: The cut and paste Goose
Poem and song
Our Poem for this week, is "Goosey Goosey Gander", as I read out the poem, I like to act out the words also. At the line, " I took him by the left leg, and threw him down the stairs." I grab Javier left leg and pretend to throw him... He keep giggling and wants me to do it again. He like this poem and would want me to read to him everyday.
Books we read
One Smart goose by Caroline Jayne Church
A simple story, colorfully and beautifully drawn. It's about a goose that was very lonely and different from the other geese. A fox comes to chase the geese every full moon night, but the fox never chases the lonely little goose. The lonely little goose saves all the other geese, the other geese finds out how smart the lonely little goose is and is never lonely again. It uses small words, only a few sentences on every page so Javier won't lose his attention span while I am reading.
Blue Goose by Nancy Tafuri (* Javier favourite book for this week*)
When Farmer Gray takes a trip, Blue Goose, Red Hen, Yellow Chick and White Duck decide to paint their black-and-white farm. Red Hen paints the barn red and White Duck paints the fence white. Then Blue Goose and Yellow Chick pour their paint together to make green for the grass and trees. By the time Farmer Gray comes back, the whole farm is full of color--what a wonderful surprise! Incorporating primary and secondary colors, as well as animals. From this book, I teach Javier about different colours which he enjoy greatly.
Learning Numbers: 3 Three
I borrow this book from the library. It is quite a fun book, where there is a turn wheel for the kids to turn and find the different shape. And besides Javier likes the farm animals in this book, so everynite he would spend some time looking at the book and I would take this opportunity to revise the numbers to him.
Learning Shapes: Square
This week we are still focusing on square as I realise that Javier is still not too sure about this shape. I have found a really good method to teach him about shapes from other mummy homeschooling blog.
This week we are still focusing on square as I realise that Javier is still not too sure about this shape. I have found a really good method to teach him about shapes from other mummy homeschooling blog.
Learning Colours: Purple
I also let Javier coloured the square purple (so he learn 2 things from this activity: purple and square)

Our chinese story book: 排好队 - 一个接一个. Javier like this series of 小熊宝宝绘本。I have already order this set of books from Dang Dang spree as both my boys likes these books alot.
Tang Poem: 登鹳雀楼
I also teach Javier the fruits . Javier like this book alot and I try to read to him every nite. (With some help from me, he can say some of the name of the fruits when I show it to him)
Practical Life Skill
1) Sorting
Learning Chinese:
We read a story book " 排好队 - 一个接一个", Tang Poem and 一 首 儿歌。
Our chinese story book: 排好队 - 一个接一个. Javier like this series of 小熊宝宝绘本。I have already order this set of books from Dang Dang spree as both my boys likes these books alot.
Practical Life Skill
Method: I mixed the macroroni and red beans and put them into a big bowl. Javier would sort and put it in 2 bowls
2) Transferring beans
Method: Javier would use the wooden spoon to transfer the bean and macroroni from one bowl to another
3) Uncap the bottle and pour the water into the bowl
Method: I filled the medicine bottle with water and cap it. Then Javier would uncap himself and pour the water into the big bowl.
4) Identify the lids for different containers.
Method: Firstly, I showed Javier the containers with the lid on. Then I opened up all the lids from the container. So Javier will find the correct lids for all the containers and cover the containers with the lid.