Thursday, December 5, 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
My Little Sweetie - JOELLE
I guess words cannot describe the feelings we have for this little girl. Her arrival has definitely bring a big change in our lives forever and we love it!, especially the 2 boys who just seems unable to get enough of her. I guess the only complaint I have at the moment is the sleep deprivation, sometimes I was so tired in the middle of the night, I doze off while breastfeeding her.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Baby Joelle is finally here!!!!!
I’m back!!!!! Just wanna share my happy moments here! ^^ I have delivered!!!!!
Birth story:
I need to admit into Mount Alvernia Hospital at 5am for my operation which is scheduled at 7am. I left the house in the wee hours at 4am, anxiously looking forward to meeting my little girl. My Little boy was super reluctant and refused to let me go to the hospital and had wanted to tag along with us. (Imagine he forced himself to wake up at 3am so that he can go with us!!!!) I had to explain and console him for close to half an hour before he finally let me leave, actually I feel kinda sad to leave him at home when he had so much wanted to see his little sister at the first moment.
This is me in my hospital gown getting ready for my Cesarean operation, I was feeling nervous and excited at the same time.
I was wheeled into the Operating Theatre at around 6.45am and the operation started at 7am and little girl was out at 7.23am. I was not able to witness the first instant she was out as I was still knocked out from the GA. I remember I only regained conscious at 9plus am. I was eager to see little girl but she is still in in the Nursery warming up to regulate her temperature.
Baby was pushed to my ward at around 11am, I really fell in love with this little cutie the instant I laid eyes on her. She is so sweet!!!!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Update on my Pregnancy at 38 weeks
^^.. I am still here. But I am eagerly counting down to the day that I would be meeting my little one which is 3 more days on the 21st October. Frankly, I really doesn’t feel that good nowadays. I feel like a big fat hippo with my huge tummy and swollen feet and ankles. But I am glad that little one is progressing well, and weighing about 3.2kg during my 37 weeks checkup. Of course it seems that I am doing well too for able to gain a whopping 16kg up to date. (laughing)
Sleep hasn’t been good lately too, I only managed to fall asleep around 1am every night and will wake up automatically at 5am every morning (ma-chiam like alarm clock)!!!!! So you can well imagine me looking like a big hippo cum panda!!!! With the extra weight, dark eyes circle and waddling like a penguin when I walk, I really dread going out meeting others now.
Though I am excited that the Big day is finally here soon but at the same time I am feeling nervous. ( Imagine being cut open the 3rd time. Oops, its really scary just thinking about it.) Thus I have opted for C-sect with GA instead of Epidural like my previous 2 delivery. (Frankly, it doesn’t feel too good being in a fully alert mode when I can feel that the doctor is operating on me, the cutting (of course I don’t feel the pain), pulling, tugging. What’s even worse was that I was vomiting like crazy once the doctor start the cutting and the vomiting doesn’t stop even when I was push back to my ward)
I guess I am really having negative thoughts as the date drew nearer, So I am really glad that I have my 2 monk-ies to distract me daily, I guess it do take my mind off these worrying thoughts when I am busy shouting at them or when they were busy driving me up the wall!!!!! ^_^
I guess that’s all for now! Will update after my delivery~
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Edelweiss Sports Day 2013!!!!
We were really looking forward to the Sports Day today. And the day before the Sports Day (which is on Friday), little boy was still happily explaining and telling me the activities that he will be participating in. But he turn sob-by before he went to sleep on Friday night and kept telling me that he doesn’t want to go to the Sports Day on Saturday. The fact that I was feeling quite snappy and short tempered lately, I did not really talk to him and just told him not to think so much and just sleep first.
Morning comes, he was cranky and sobbing and exclaiming that he doesn’t want to go, this in turn make my temper flare as we were rushing for time. (Actually this is not the first time that he is sobb-by…. recently he had been telling me that he doesn’t want to go swimming or other enrichment lessons. Thus you can imagine all the drama he will perform whenever I drag him to all these lessons. But the fact that I still insists that he attends these classes is because he do enjoys the lessons as what I had talk to the teachers and what they had feedback to me. So in conclusion, we think he is having separation anxiety, reason being that he is feeling insecure as my delivery date drew closer and closer. All along Javier has been very close to me and I guess he do feel that my attention will not be on him anymore once the little one arrives.)
But I can finally heave a sign of relief as we reached the Sports Day Venue. He started reverting back to this bubbly self when he sees his friends.
So I shall bring you the fun and enjoyable times that we had through the pictures that I had snapped today. (smiling)
The Sports Day was held in the Republic polytechnic Agora Hall, this is the first time that I had stepped into this place, it certainly is big and environments is good!
Without further ado, let see the pictures!!!!!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Update: Javier Swim lesson
Currently, Javier is into his 3rd month of swimming class – 9th lesson. He is progressing well in his swimming lesson, but he still show some reluctant-ness when it is time for his swimming lesson. In order to divert his attention, I am grateful for the bigger kids playing with him to lessen his fear when it is time for his lesson. He do enjoy playing water a lot, but that could not be said when it comes to swimming lesson.
FIL Birthday Lunch
We had a simple lunch at Imperial Treasure Super Peking Duck @ Paragon to celebrate my FIL birthday. It’s always a joyous affair to dine with the close one. ^^ The food is good especially the Peking Duck, just that the meal duration was abit rush as we got to finish our meal in 1.5hrs due to the fact that the business was so good, the restaurant got to set a time limit for the lunch duration.
This photo showing a grumpy Javier, but he is actually quite happy there, just that he was a teeny bit reluctant to take this picture as we get me a smile a couple of times to take a good shot. (laughing)
Finally it’s time for the cake to make the appearance!!!! Of course, the kids were looking forward to blowing out the candles for my FIL. (^0^) And that marks the end for them, they were not keen to eat it at all claiming that the cake has a sour taste, but nevertheless we enjoy the cake, though it do taste abit too sour for my taste bud.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Happy Teachers’ Day!!!!! (=^0^=)
As the children celebrate this special day with their teachers. I would like to show my deep appreciation to all the teachers whom have guided my boys along the way. A great teacher not only share the knowledge with the kids, but also take care and shower them with love as they slowly blossom. I am glad to say that my blessed boys have met so many great teachers along their schooling way and they really enjoy going to school everyday.
We prepared a small token of appreciation for JJ’s teacher and the boys were eager to make simple cards to go with the card.
Thus as you can see from below, our card making session turns into a much fun, amusing and enjoyable activity session for the boys. I guess it is never bored with the boys around… ok,, I got to say that sometimes they do drive me crazy when they go overboard with the playing. (signing)
These are the stuffs we prepared for our gift. I got the sweet little bag from Daiso for putting the Rocher Chocolate. Beside that, there is the cutter, stamp for our card making.
The boys have so much fun using these cute stamper to stamp out the words!
Cute cards made by the boys.
Finally, these are our gift bags ready for shipment!!!!!!
When I get them to pose with their work, both of them couldn’t stopping giggling and fooling around. They were telling me that they feel like they are going marketing carrying this bag. (Ahahahaha……)
Lastly, some serious shots of them when they stop their nonsense for a mere 5 seconds.
And the monkey-ing episode starts again!…….
Before I end this post, we would like to thanks all teachers for their dedication in nurturing the kids and last but not least a Very Happy Teacher's Day to all!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
MIL Birthday Lunch
I have been feeling a tad lazy and busy recently which explained the lack of update on my blog. But I really wanted to jot down this happy occasion, thus I decided to drag myself to write up this post before I totally forgot about it.
Today my MIL celebrate her 62th birthday! We had a birthday lunch at Li Bai Restaurant @ Sheraton Hotel. The food was ok but I was a too lazy to whip out my camera to snap any pictures of the food until the cake cutting.
While we were enjoying the cake, we took a few attempts to take a decent shots with my boys but some do really turn out eemmm……. COMICAL!!! ^^
And finally a decent ONE!!!!!!
Of course, here’s a family portrait before we end our lunch and also my post!!!! (^0^)
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Catching the Fireworks
National Day is fast approaching, and we always bring the boys to see the fireworks as they love it a lot. We would have love to go to the NDP show, but just that luck has not been with us for these few years … years after years (to be precise 5 years… ahaha), we have been trying our luck and hoping to get tickets to attend the NDP show but quite unluckily, we did not succeed. So to get a glimpse of the fireworks, we make a trip down to Bay East Garden this evening. When we arrived, many people were already waiting eagerly for the fireworks.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Bento #70 Maruko Sandwich Bento
Maruko is the main character of Japanese anime Chibi Maruko-chan. She is lazy, disorganized and usually late for school. I love to watch this anime when I was young and it always make me laugh, looking at the way she talks which is so funny and cute. I used to be a avid manga fan before I had Jayden, my collection of manga (aka comics) do give people a shock when they enter my study room. (laughing) And actually I do still read abit of manga now when I am free. ^^
Monday, July 29, 2013
Ngee Fou Restaurant (Hakka) Ampang Yong Tou Fou
Ngee Fou Ampang Yong Tau Foo is a family-run business. From what I remembered, this place has been around for a very long time. The first time when I dine here was even before I know my hubby which was more than 20 years ago! It’s location is definitely ulu, but it’s name has surely spread, whenever I was there, it is normally packed with makan-er. But sad to say, I have not visited this place for so many years, I really miss the Yong Tau Foo here. By the way, there is is another shop further down the row in green signboard which also reads Ampang Yong Tau Foo, but I’m not sure which is better. But we decided on Ngee Fou instead of the other shop is because we had dine here countless of time and it had never disappoint me and what’s more, there seems to be much more people dinning here. ^^ But do take note that because parking is so limited there, it's best to hit there before the peak dining hour, if not you would have a big headache trying to find a parking space.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Cook Joy Maruko Chan (aka 樱桃小丸子) Sand Bread Maker
I would just love to share this new toy of mine here. I know that to many this is considered a children toy (even my hubby think so), he was seriously looking at me and asking me is this for myself or the kids? (laughing) Frankly, I think that this “toy” is not only cool and it actually works. It is a great product for me and my boys to have fun with! ^^
Friday, July 26, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Chinese Home Learning
When it comes to Chinese Home Learning, I did not specifically want little boy to memorise how to write the stroke of the Chinese characters. But I did bought some book for him to practice writing though. I think his Kindy teacher did a pretty good job in this area, whenever I told him to do his writing practices, he would told me he knows how to write and added that his teacher had taught him.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Bento #67 Echo Echo
My boys used to be a huge fan of Ben 10 Alien force, actually they still do now, especially little boy. On and off during his free time, he would dig out his old Ben 10 toys to play. Among all the Alien Characters, my little boy likes Echo Echo the most. Thus I decided to make one Echo Echo Bento for him. It wasn’t too difficult to make, except for the seaweed cutting which takes up more time.