Been MIA for a kinda long time…. Mainly because my pc is giving me problem again and now that it is finally back to working condition, thought I should make some update soon! Another reason is that I wonder if anyone is still interested in reading this boring blog…
Bay East Garden consists of beautiful pavilions, wide open lawns, swaying palm trees and waist-high flowering shrubs , where you can admire the modern Marina Bay financial district skyline from along its 2km waterfront promenade.
Actually Javier wanted to go for sand digging, but instead we brought them to this garden to roam instead. Though Javier was nagging throughout the whole trip there we did not fulfilled our promise but he did enjoy himself here. ^^
We were lucky that the weather was very good today. It was already 4.30pm when we reached here after Jayden’s ICL class. Once we reached here, one boy was busy with his exploring while the other was busy scooting around.
They saw alot of small fishes and water spiders in this pond and this got them excited for quite a while…
And eventually they decided to sit down and marvel at the fishes and insects.
Just a photo of me, did not even post it in my facebook. ^^ Cos I felt it seems kinda vain to post self shot of myself. keke…
A nice view of Garden by the Bay
This silly boy was trying to pull the grass apart and exerting all his strength trying to accomplish this mission.
Examining the lallang Plant
It was fun blowing it and seeing it float away. Even I was having so much fun doing it, not to mention the boys. Keke….
The boys were enjoying their tugging, throwing and blowing for a good 15 minutes.
He only managed to blow it off after a few tries.
Burst out laughing when he failed after the initial few tries. ^^
My funny and comical boy asking me to take shots of him in action.
Our happy family shot. Love this picture!!!!
The sun was starting to set and thus we decided to go for our dinner first and coming back later to catch some fireworks.
Taking a break after watching the firework.
NDP Preview Fire works.
We were lucky once again, it started to drizzle when we were on our way back to our car… and it started to pour very heavily soon after.