Today is the first lesson of our homeschooling. We are doing Letter A for this week. We have a fun lesson today consisting of crafts, songs, maths sorting and story telling.
First we started off, by introducing A to Javier, but Jayden was also interested with the lesson. So the 2 boys have the activity today. Of course Jayden knows his letter so well already.. Whenever I ask Javier a question, he will say the answer immediately. :
Next we have our apple craft. We need glue and some red, white and green construction papers. I have already cut the apple and leaves the day before to save time.

This is the most interesting activity for them for today. They really enjoyed it alot. Especially when I ask them to use their finger to touch the ink pad to stamp the seed on the apple core. Although it is very messy, but to them it is really fun.
The 2 apples are done by the boys. I would say both of them did a great job. Jayden did the craft himself, whereas for Javier, I only offer him minimal help.
After the craft, we sing a song about apples and ants

Next, we continue with our maths activity, which I taught them the different size.

To end our lesson, we read a story on 'Apple Farmer Annie'

The pictures are colorful and bold. The story are simple yet provide enough detail. For example, there are all kinds of apples listed, different colors of apples, types of kitchen utensils. It also shows the sequence of events like growing, harvesting, preparing, selling, etc.
There are three recipes included in the back of the book, which we can try it out.
Listening to mummy read the story, but Javier was not very interested in the story. Half way through, he walk away. So I carry him on my nap to contine the story. But Jayden like the story alot. He make me read it over and over again.