Friday, September 3, 2010

Books that Jayden Read – August

Reading is not of the things that Jayden really enjoys. He loves us to read storybook to him but when it comes to reading the book himself, he doesn’t show such keenness. Nevertheless, I still hope that my purpose in bringing him to the library and reading books with him (I try to do so daily), he will develop a habit of reading himself. For now he prefer me to read the book with him, which is we takes turn to read (Jayden reads 2 pages, I read 1 page). I find that this way works well for him, he will willingly take one book (almost everyday) and read in the food court with me.

Alistair and Kips Great Adventure by John SegalThis is a very interesting book which I personally likes a lot.

Alistair is a cat with a curious side. Kip is a curiosity-less beagle. One fine day, Alistair declares that the two should build a boat. After creating their vessel the pair set sail on a journey that brings them out to the ocean. After encountering a rouge wave our heroes are forced to swim for a nearby island. It isn't until they're squarely on top of land that they realize the blowhole. It turns out their island is in fact a friendly whale, willing to take Kip and Alistair back home.

Curious George plants a seed by H. A. Rey

Emma’s Turtle by Eve BuntingThis small reptile lives in a pen in Emma's backyard yet he longs to see the world. He's very fond of Emma as she visits him often, rubs his head, and brings him treats.

The tales Emma has read to him (turtle) about faraway places - India, Africa - have whetted his appetite to see for himself. So, one morning he digs a hole under the wire of his pen and begins his journey. He's amazed at what he sees but as turtles move very, very slowly, so as you can guess in actual fact, he did not travel very far…. :). But in his mind, he thought he has travel to places like India and Africa.

Robert the Rose Horse by Joan HeilbronerHighly Recommeded!Very nice story! Jayden and I read this together and have many laughs as Robert bowls everyone over with his sneezes. It is easy to read and understand and Jayden really enjoy it.

Sasha Series of book  Jayden loves this series of book, as these books were introduce to him in school. He was so excited when he saw “Sasha visits Hong Kong” in the library. We went to a few library before we managed to get some more titles. Even Javier likes Sasha visits Hong Kong as there is Hong Kong Disneyland and Mickey mouse in the book.

Shhh! by Julie SykesIt’s Christmas Eve and Santa’s feeling jolly. But he’s so excited about his favorite night of the year that he is having trouble being quiet. "Shhh, Santa!" said the reindeer, "you’ll wake the children." Santa sings, wishes his cat a Merry Christmas and plays with the toys he is delivering, all the while trying hard not to wake the children.

These 2 books are the weekly book for Jayden to bring home to read at Icreative class.

Clifford, We Love You by Norman BridwellJust so happens that these few weeks most of the books loan to the child are about Clifford the Big Red Dog! (Jayden loves books about Clifford)

It’s Quacking Time by Martin WaddellThis book is a great introduction to talk about a new addition to your family. Mommy Duck lays an egg, and Duckling is surprised on two fronts: he learns that there's a baby duck in the egg, and that he was once in an egg himself. Grandpa, aunt, and cousin come to look over the egg, and each adds a little more information to Duckling's knowledge of his egg days.

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