Monday, January 11, 2010

Simple Dinner

We have a really simple home cooked dinner tonight. I cooked chicken curry for dinner. As for the kids, I cooked Guo Tiao/ Mee Soup for them. I boiled the pork rib with potato/carrot as the stock, later I cooked the guo tiao/mee and add into the soup.

Guo tiao/ Mee soup
Chicken Curry


  1. wow, yummy...that day i tried to give rice to LUcas as dinner, he only can eat 1/4 of it.. may b he is not ready yet..

  2. Actually it is normal de. Initially for both my boys, when they start to eat rice. They only eat a small portion. But gradually they will increase. So you just keep giving him rice for every dinner.


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