Saturday, May 29, 2010


As I have mentioned in my previous post that Javier is down with fever. Yesterday he has a record high fever of 39.2 degree at night. So I gave him Brufen to bring down the high fever, but throughout the day, his temperature keep fluatuating. And since yesterday, he keep pointing to his mouth and say teeth pain pain. And my first thought is that maybe he is having discomfort due to teething. But on the otherhand, I was also wondering, if it is just teething, it wouldn't cause such high fever. Cos normally teething would only cause very mild fever.

Yesterday night, he did not sleep well.... he keep crying, waking up and complaining mouth pain pain. Thus Javier, daddy and me have a sleepless night yesterday. This morning, he continue to complain about mouth pain... so I decided to bring him to see the doctor but I did not suspect that it is hfmd as he do not have any symptoms beside fever. He has no blisters on his hand, foot, and when I checked his mouth, I did not see anything unusual also.
We waited for 2.5 hours to see the doctor.  And when it is finally our turn, I told the doctor about his high fever and throat pain. And when the doctor looked at his throat, he told me it is a confimed hfmd case. There were 6 tiny ulcers at his throat... oh I can really feel his pain now. Not wonder, he has no appettie since yesterday..... 

But I will still try to let him drink some water even though he don't want. If not, this will lead to dehydration which would be quite serious.

So for the moment, I got to keep him in the house for 1 week as hfmd is contagious. Seeing him whinning and complaining of pain really pains my heart. Yesterday I was still feeling fustrated with him cos of his shouting and crying throughout the day. (what a bad mummy!!!!) I hope he would recover soon and becomes his active and mischevious boy again!!!


  1. poor boy! Will giving him more water helps?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am trying to let him drink more water. But it is not easy. Once he sees me with the water, he will run away!. :( Even his favourite sweets and chocolate, he don't dare to eat now, cos once he swallows, it will irritate his throat. :(

  4. Hihi, you blog too haha.
    Surprise, surprise ...
    I am now at

  5. haha...just started to blog last year. you have got great pics at your blog!!! ;)


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