Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Free play week 17-23 May 2010

This week is our free play week, so activity will be decided by my boy instead. Most of the activity which I did is his favourite. Some of the activities we did are reading through the vegetables and fruits flashcard.

Recently, Javier likes to take out all the dinosaurs and animals and arranged them neatly on the floor. So over the week, he will take it these toys himself and play with it

Revising ABC
Reading ABC book and revising the alphabets which he have learnt. In one of my post, I mentioned that he is not too sure of the letters which I taught him. But he proved me wrong, last sunday, when we will at the expo carpark looking for parking lots, he saw the letters and numbers indicating the area for the parking space. He can point and tell me the letters and numbers correctly. I was really surprised!!! So I guess he did know his stuffs. :)
We went through the alphabet files. After the weekly lesson, I will file all the materials into a individual file. So that it is easier for us to acess the letters which we want.

Craft Time:
This is a craft totally done by Javier. He will choose the colour himself, queeze out the paint and use a fork to mixed the paint. Although it is a really simple craft, but he enjoyed himself.Next, is the Dinosaurs footprinting time. Since we did this craft a few months ago. Javier have been bugging me to let him do it again. So there is no reason to say 'No' to him since he got to choose which activity he wants to do for this week. :)
I like to let my boys have alot of hands-on. As they like to eat quail egg, I will get them to peel the eggs themselves. And I do believe the eggs do taste nice since it is from their hardwork of peeling the eggs themselves. :)
On of my boy favourite activity is cutting. He likes to cut, gives him a pair of sicissors, he can take anything and cut.
Puzzle Time:
As I have mentioned in my previous post, Javier is really into fixing puzzles. During his free time, he would take out the puzzles and fix it himself.

Paper mosiac craft:
I never realise that tearing paper is not easy for the kids until I ask Jayden to tear paper into small pieces. And the same thing happen to Javier, when I asked him to tear the papaer. He seems to pull and tug at the paper, instead of tearing. So I got to show him and guide him to tear. I guess he needs alot of practices in this area to 'master his skill of tearing'. :)


  1. I am so lazy to do homeschooling nowsaday! :(

  2. Hi-5!!! I got the same sentiment as you! The sourcing, the planning and the preparing of the materials....takes up so much time! Sometimes I really wish to sit back and relax and just do nothing. :) But since my boy really enjoy the lesson, that's what motivate me to continue with it.


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