Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Play Play Play at the Park

Today Javier was still not feeling very well, so I did not let him attend school. So instead of his usual nap time at 4pm, he went for his afternoon nap at 2pm and woke up at 4pm. So when Jayden came back from his school, I decided to bring the boys to the park for a walk as the weather was quite cooling today.

I brought along the bubble blower for the boys to blow bubbles as well. As earlier in the morning, Javier was still asking me to let him play with it.
When we reached the park, the weather was still quite cooling and windy. But the weather keep changing, one time it was cooling and the next moment, it can become very hot. But nevertheless the boys decided to stay and play. (Actually Javier wanted to stay.. but gorgor wanted to go back cos he says it is very hot)
I brought our tools for sand playing... and Jayden was busy digging.

Javier having a fun time playing with the sands, we make a lot of crabs and fishes togather.
A standing type of see-saw
Jayden blowing bubbles. Javier tried to blow also, but failed. So me and Jayden would blow and Javier would played with the bubbles we blowed.
We proceed to the other part of the park. There is a mini playground which is more suitable for very young kids. So my boys were bored with it after a while. And they saw a slide and dashed to it.
Both of them collide into each others. Jayden keep giggling and laughing when Javier landed on him.
Racing each other to the slide
Rock Climbing- Jayden reached the top of the 'rock' very quickly. Javier also wanted to climb with Jayden, but couldn't. So instead he climbed the side of the 'rock' to get up the top. (it was very dangerous). I stand beside him to hold him, in case he lose his grip.


  1. Your boys having great fun! Must be tough to take care two boys!

  2. My boys really enjoy themselves at the park. But bringing them out myself is a challenge for me. Recently Javier is getting really out of control, throwing his tantrum and bullying other kids outside...


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