Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fitness & Science Trail at Greenwood Sanctuary Park

Little boy has been bugging us to bring him for running since he got his new running shoes. He simply cannot wait to try out his running shoe, claiming that when wearing this shoe to run, it will guarantee super fast speed.

Since my niece is here today, she is one good person to accompany him for the “super fast” run, since my niece can run very well! ^^

But first, they did some warm up by following the fitness trial…

So off they run with little boy taking the lead. Ahahah.. ^^

Of course they never did run very far, as Javier was already out of breath and decided to take a swing break. But very soon we discover “this white fluffy thing” which caught our full attention.

Can you guess what is this???




It’s a Cotton Tree! (Thanks to one mummy for sharing this information with me, actually this is Kapok tree which it’s cotton is commonly used for stuffing into pillows )

There were so many bunches of it hanging on the tree.

A close up.

Javier was super reluctant to pose with it, thus he gave me quick smile before he dump it on the ground. He was worried that some scary bug would crawl out from the cotton plant.

Thus my mummy demonstrate one to him that there is nothing scary about this plant and began to peel one for him to see.

But being kids, he was soon dashing to other place for fun while I was still marveling at the cotton plant. (This is my first time seeing one, of course I was super excited when I see one)

Their last run before we make our way home.

After our water break, we make our way home as Jayden is at home alone. It’s a nice place to bring my boys for a run, sand fun, playground fun or just looking at the different plants there. We enjoyed this trip very much especially with the company of my mum and niece!


  1. So interesting never know SG got cotton tree!!!

    1. keke..yalor... I like mountain tortoise leh... standing there examining the cotton plant. Btw, this park is just opp my house.

  2. It's our local cotton . Called "kapok" . You can Google it . It's very common. Often, it's trunk has spikes ! It's different from the cotton we use for making cloth lah. That type comes from cotton bushes, not trees . Our local kapok cotton ... We traditionally used to stuff our pillows or cushions.

    1. haha.. I was thinking why it look kinda different from the cotton tree that I google. So actually there are 2 different type of cotton. Thanks for sharing this info!!!! ^^


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